Chapter 24

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Most the other candidates have already had their matches. Naruto is fighting Neji right now. I'm after him, then Sasuke, who still hasn't arrived.

Naruto was named winner and now it was my turn. Because there was an odd number of candidates I had to go up against Guy. I know it sounds unfair, but the prospector said that if Guy thinks I did good enough I would pass. As long as I don't black out again I should be fine.

"Let the match start!" He choked.

I quickly pulled out some Kunai from my pouch and threw them at Guy, who gracefully dogged them. He followed his doge with a, just as graceful, kick to my side.

"Come on. Is that a you got?" He taunted loudly.

"Nope" I coughed as I gathered chakra into my hand.

"Wind Style: Whirlwind jutsu!" I yelled as swiped my hand quickly across my body.

This created a tornado that was heading directly for Guy. I saw that he was about to doge, but I gathered chakra into my feet, disappeared for an instant then reappeared behind Guy and kicked him into the tornado.

"Gyah!" He yelped as he was swirling around.

When the tornado stopped Guy was hobbling around. I took this chance to this some Kunai at his feet.

"Missed!" He half yelled.

"You sure?" I questioned.

I made some hand signs as Guy was still surrounded by the Kunai.

"Earth Style: Vine grip!" I yelled.

Vines took the place of the kunai and trapped Guy.

"What is this?" He asked franticly.

"The end." I told him as I gathered more chakra. "Rasangan!"

The ball of chakra took a direct hit to guys stomach.

"The winner of this match *cough* is Kino Kamiyoto!" The prospector announced, coughing.

He should see a doctor about that.

I heard cheering coming from the stands. I looked over to everyone cheering and pumping their fists.

But there's just one thing I couldn't put my finger on.

Where the hell is Sasuke. He's meant to go now.

I walked up the arena wall and sat with the others.

"Do any of you know where Sasuke is? I haven't seen him at all." I asked them.

"No. We haven't. I hope he's okay." Was Sakura's reply.

"He has to be here soon. He's up next." Shikamaru stated.

I just looked up at the sky in thought.

The prospector was about to announce him as a forfeit when.

"Wait!" I heard Naruto yell.

He had jumped back down to the arena ground. I jumped down too.

"Yeah. Please just wait a little longer." I pleaded.

"I'll give them 30seconds." He told us.


"30 seconds or nothing." He repeated.

"Fine." I replied.

This had to have been the most tense 30 seconds of my life. The clock was about to reach 30 seconds when a sudden spiral of leaves appeared.

When the leaves fell, it revealed Kakashi and Sasuke, who was now wearing a black jumpsuit.

"Sorry we're late." Kakashi apologized. "How late exactly were we. Its not like we got disqualified or anything right?"

"You were so late, we had to extend the time limit. So no, he's not disqualified." The prospector told them.

"Took you long enough" I joked.

"Whatever." Sasuke replied. "Did you win your match?"

"Of course I did. Not only that, I won against Guy!" I told him.

His eyes widened.

"Way to go." He praised. "What about you Naruto?"

"Hell yeah I did." He yelled, giving a thumbs up.

"Seriously though, I thought you weren't gonna make it... I mean, you haven't even been back all month and I've been worried..." I trialed off.

Why am I getting all emotional? Its annoying.

I felt Sasuke's arm wrap around me.

"I'm sorry. But don't worry so much. I'm fine." He whispered into my ear.

"You Baka." I whispered back.

"Stop calling me that!"

"Make me" I said seductively.

Wtf am I doing?!

"If we weren't surrounded by people, I probably would" he said seductively back.

I pushed him away and scoffed.

"And to think I was going to let you eat my last doughnut as a winning or pity prize." I taunted.

"Oh shut up." He told me.

"Well we better be heading back to the stands. Good luck with your match." I replied.

Me and Naruto walked back up to the stands. When we did I got some very interesting comments.

"What was all that about?" Ino questioned annoyed.

"Nothing." I told her simply.

"So what's going on with you 2?" Was Shikamaru's sly remark.

"Nothing!" I almost yelled. "What's with the sudden interest in other peoples lives?"

He simply looked away and muttered...

"Couples are such a drag"

"We are not a couple!" I screamed at him.

"Really? Cuz Sasuke's never that friendly to anyone. Just you." Naruto pointed out.

"That doesn't mean we're dating!" I told.

"Whatever. Deny it all you want." Shikamaru stated.

"Whatever. Let's just watch." I ended.

My face was probably as red a a rose by this point and I just didn't want to look at anyone. But one thing did bother me.

Kiba was always the one to tease me and joke around, but he didn't even say a word. I wonder what's up with him?

As the fight raged on, Sasuke looked tired but was still going and Gaara was currently bidding in his sphere of sand. Eventually, Sasuke got annoyed with it. He gathered chakra into his arm and sparks started to come out of it.

Is that what j think it is?

"Chidori!" He screamed.

His the hell does he know that? Let me guess Kakashi taught him.

There was an uproar in the crowd as Sasuke broke through Gaara's sans barrier and won.

But just when we thought everything was okay...


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