Chapter 30

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I woke up with a headache. I went to the bathroom and guessed I must have cried myself to sleep last night. My eyes were red and puffy. My face was also red. I had a quick shower and dried my hair before wondering around the house. That now belonged to, just me.

My eyes immediately looked over to Sasuke's old room.

Should I go inside?

I had debated this for 5 minutes.

You know what, fuck it. If there's a trap in there that'll kill me so be it.

I slowly approached the door and carefully opened it. To my surprise there were no boobie-traps. I scanned the room.

Blue and Black bedding, wooden side table and wardrobe. There was another door on the other side of the room. I opened it.

"That little faggot! He had his own en suite bathroom!" I whisper yelled.

I continued to scan the room. I noticed that one of his bedside table draws was slightly open. I went to shut it, when something caught my eye. I opened the draw further to reveal a bunch of different things. Including...

Food wrappers

A brush

Gel - fucking knew it.

A pack of tissues

And a bunch of other useless shit.

But there were 2 things that actually made me almost break down and cry again.

The first item, a picture of all 5 of us.

Kakashi at the back with his signature closed eye smile.

Naruto was on the far left.

Sakura was on the far Right

Then me on the middle left next to Sasuke on the middle reft. I had my hand on his head and looked liked I was petting him.

I felt a few tears drop.

The second was a small box. A box filled with hand written letters.

I remember that.

When me and Sasuke were living together when we were little, we'd use to send each other stupid little notes.

But there was an odd note in there. It didn't match the rest. For one thing, the writing looked better and a different pen was used.

I took it out saw that it wasn't even opened. Then I realized the pen on the top of the table.

I wonder if...

I tore open the envelope and started to read it...

'Dear Kino,

By the time you are reading this um probably already gone. I'm sorry I had to leave. But if I ever want to defeat and get the truth out of my brother, I'm going to have to get stronger.

I hate that I had to leave you and you have probably already cried over it or something like that, but I really am sorry.

Love Sasuke.

P.S. Please do not tell the others about this. It will only make things more complicated.

P.P.S I really liked that last song you sang. I think I might know who it's about. :)'

My face went red, and more tears fell. I didn't want to ruin the letter so I put it back in the envelope and put it back in the draw. I placed the photo on the table top.

I just exited the room, when there was a knock at the door. It sounded panicky.

I quickly opened it and saw Naruto and a few others.

"Kino!" Naruto exclaimed. "Do you know that Sasuke's gone?"

"Considering I lived with him, I think I noticed." I gave a half hearted giggle.

"Then why didn't you try go after him?"

"He was long gone by the time I found Sakura." I told him. "Why are you here anyways?"

"We're gonna try bring Sasuke back! And we thought you'd wanna come too." He informed me.

They're gonna try bring him back huh.

I really wanted to believe they could but, he was probably ages away by now and he's like me. Once he starts something he will finish it.

"No thanks" I answered.

"But I thought you were his friend!?" Naruto exclaimed.

"So is Sakura, Ino and the others, but they're not going now are they" I groaned. "I just don't want to risk my life on something that is most likely not going yo work."

"How would you know?" Naruto snapped.

"Cuz he's just like me. What do you think he's gonna do? Just cone back with you cuz you told him to?" I yelled. "If that were the case he wouldn't have gone when Sakura told him not too. Besides once he decides on something he'll stick too it."

"Whatever. Were going to try anyways." Naruto cheered.

"Good luck with that." I mumbled as I headed back inside.

"You know you can at least act a bit excited." Kiba suggested.

He was the only one still at the door.

"About what? Them lot risking their lives on something that ain't gonna work." I sneered.

"I'm going too you know."

"And if you die I'm never going to forgive you for leaving me alone." I told him.

If Kiba was gone, I'd probably give up on life. I was near enough there already. The only this stopping me was that letter.

"I know. If Akumaru survives and I die, you can have him."

"Don't even say things like that." I snapped.

"Bye" he said, giving me a hug.

"Bye" I waved.

He closed the door behind him, leaving me all alone.

Why couldn't Sasuke of at least said goodbye in person?

I flopped back into the sofa and went back to sleep.

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