Chapter 38

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"Why are we running. I though your brother was in the Akatski?" Jūgo questioned.

"Yeah. Isn't this the perfect opportunity to find out where he is?" Suigetsu added.

"Not now" Sasuke told them.

"But why?" Suigetsu asked.

"It cuz they want me!" I told him.

"Why would that want you?" He questioned.

"Cuz I'm-"

I got cut off by the sound of multiple kunai missing us.

"I'll explain later. Right now we have to go." I stated.

The enemy was catching up. I was starting to panic.

"What do we do? They're going to catch us?" Karin asked.

"I don't know. Just keep going!" Sasuke ordered.

"She has a point. We might as well try to fight." Suigetsu pointed out.

"Not now!" Sasuke yelled.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you running all of a sudden?"

"Im not!"

"You are!"

"Just shut up the both of you!" I screamed.

They fell silent.

"Suigetsu has a point in that we can't keep running. But Sasuke's right that we can't fight them" I stated. "So let's just-"

Cut off again by more kunai, this time one got caught in my arm and I fell.

"Kino, you okay?" Sasuke asked worried.

"What have we got here?" One of the Akatski guys toyed.

"Daidera." Sasuke sneered.

"Looks like we got both the people we wanted to see." Daidera smiled evilly.

"Hi guys!" Another voice rang.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I'm Tobi. Nice to meet cha!" He smiled.

I swear if he was smaller and not in the Akatski I would mistake him for a 7 year old. He wore an orange mask which had 1 eye hole in it on the right side.

"Are these the people we were looking for?" Tobi questioned.

"Did you not just hear me. Yes they are." Daidera replied annoyed.

"Oh. Okay. So what we gonna do with them?"

"I have a pretty good idea..."

Daidera started making hand signs.

I made some faster then him, and washed him into my genjutsu.

"Come on now's our chance!" I exclaimed.

Tobi was too busy trying to figure out how to do the hand signs to release the jutsu.

I tried to get up but fell again, so Sasuke swooped me up bridal style and carried me away.

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