This is for you

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This is for the time I spent alone in my room, my nose in a book, and not a friend in the world.

For the girl who was learning page by page to shut out a world that didn't want her, a world that didn't need her in it.

This is for the first boy who ever told me I was pretty, to the boy who taught me that my self-worth should not be based on a single word that comes from another's lips.

For the night I stayed up till sunrise crying over him and to the day two months later when I almost gave him a second chance.

This is for the boy who I called my soulmate when he was nothing more than just a stranger with a few common interests.

For the boy who left without a word and never told me why.

This is for the boy who told so many lies he began to believe them, who couldn't let go unless it was his decision.

For the time I spent trying to escape, only to have you pull me back in again.

This is for the girl who's heart beat in time with my own, the girl who stole the breath from lungs and left me gasping for air that wouldn't come.

For every tear I shed and every broken promise that cut like a knife.

This is for them

This is for the people who broke me, for the people who taught me what loving someone should not be.

This is for the time I spent alone, getting to know myself as a person before I gave myself away again.

For the girl who was learning day by day how to love herself in a world that told her she shouldn't.

This is for you and this is for me.

This is for the moments that made me, the people who broke me so I could start over again.

This is for them.

This is for the people I have yet to meet, the people I have yet to become.

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