March 11, 2019

39 4 0

Humanity exists in a dark, cold mysterious, yet majestic universe. In comparison to the vast uncertainty outside our tiny planet, we are smaller than any particle known to man. So small, we are undetectable even under the most innovative scientific equipment. 

Unnoticed. Unheard. Unseen. 

All engulfed within this dark, cold, mysterious, yet majestic universe. All silently striving, dreaming, chasing after a seemingly unattainable future.

On this journey called life, we have been mocked, jeered, abandoned and forgotten. Ideas trampled to scraps. Voices, stolen by corruption. Souls locked within a 9 to 5 coffin. In an endless vertex that never ceases. Worn out and defeated, we return home lost and uncertain of what awaits. Pieces of our hearts stolen by thieves, our dreams crushed by reality, and our rights stripped by authority.

And amidst this circulation, we forget. 

We forget that we are the foundation of the universe. We fail to remember that this infinitely large universe is simply made of tiny unseen particles. Particles that remain unseen even under the most innovative scientific equipment. We forget that the brightest stars in the universe are simply composed of an abounding number of particles that have bonded together. A bond that sparkles in a dark and cold universe.

We are all incredibly small particles that wander in a dark, cold, mysterious yet majestic universe. We have been mocked, jeered, abandoned and even forgotten. But our ability to dream and our perseverance to shine in the midst of this darkness has transformed us into a shimmering speck of light within a cold universe.

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