March 20, 2019

27 2 0

Each day hurts more then the previous.
I don't want to face tomorrow. I don't want to acknowledge today

It's not that I want to die
Its just to painful to live anymore

- the difference

I gave without expecting anything in return
You took without anything to give
And for a while I thought it was ok
For I had so much love to give
And you had so little.

So you ate with greed
Until I was poorer then a pauper.
You picked the rose pedals off my branches
With glee and a fluorescent smile I let you

Because I loved you
Because I thought you loved me too
Because I wanted to see you smile
Because when you did I would too

So I gave without expecting anything in return
You took without giving anything back

I was a fool for not realizing it 
Because when you left
I had nothing left

-  One sided love

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