September 11,2020

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For the longest time ever, there was this hill in front of me in which I was trying to climb. Tired. Dried throat. Sore muscles. Light head. Every breath that I took in choked me.

I couldn't give up. It's as though my muscles instinctively moved.  I had to keep going. Because on the other side, there was light. A paradise of freedom and joy farther then the eye could see. When I reached the top I would see the morning rays of sun peak out against the earth's core. Lush trees and flowers shaping the surface. Velvety skies tinted in a rainbow of colours. Happiness.

But as I reach the top and take my first peak into the other side, what awaited me was another mountain. And when I reached the top of that one there was another. Then another. I don't know how many mountains there are. I don't know if this paradise exists. The only way I can find out is if I continue climbing. Because this was the path I chose and this was the world I was born into.

Perhaps this is life. An endless climb over endless mountains like the punishment the gods give to Sisyphus. I always thought it was foolish to continued when he's destiny is of no use. Yet we continue to climb in the danger manner. We continue to fight even though it may all be false hope. There have been many that gave up along the way. However, there must have been something that kept us going. All this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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