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Dear Reader,

Life isn't fair. I'm sure you know that now. It's full of bumps. Rocks and sticks and stones that will break your bones, hurt your soul and break your heart. This novel was inspired by some entries I wrote while I was having a hard time. I hope it'll inspire you to keep fighting. You are loved and although the road is rough, have hope that there is something great awaiting you at the end.

Feel free to comment any thoughts or personal experience you feel relevant. :)

Someone once said that life is like a book. You'll fall in love with some characters while hating others.  Some parts will make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts while some will make you cry until your eyes dry up. Some chapters will make you wish they never end while some will make you want to give up and stop reading. But in your book of life, you have to keep reading. You have to meet every character, read every word. 

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