August 5, 2020

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Wild thoughts 1.0
George Orwell once said, "The great mass of human beings are not acutely selfish. After the age of about thirty they almost abandon the sense of being individuals at all — and live chiefly for others." I see it in the people around me. People who've abandoned their own dreams so their loved ones can reach theirs. At some point, they must have thought, 'It's not about me anymore, it's about them.' Or something cliché along the lines of 'As long as they're happy.' It's an endless loop of this selfless and altruistic mindset. But in this lifetime, I don't want to live for anyone else. I just want to live for myself. It's an addiction this sense of freedom —a determination to live my own life until the very end. Would it be all that bad? Is it just selfish and immature of me to think this way? Perhaps it's because I don't love anyone enough to make that big of a sacrifice. I only love myself. In turn, I'll probably be very lonely. Maybe I'll understand when I'm older; like when I reach 30. But at the moment, I can't fathom the idea of spending the rest of my life for others.

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