Chapter Eleven : Barry Allen

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Barry Allen

only slept with him because i thought it would give me superpowers

plus i thought the sex would be ah-mazing

it was pitiful



"Hey Sandy," I say as she approaches our regular booth, in the diner.

She gives me a big smile, then Uri, sitting besides me, and Faith, across from the both of us. "Hey you guys, what would you like today?"

"I'll have a burger and fries, please." Uri tells her his order. "And a Pepsi."


"Pancakes and turkey bacon." Faith says.

"Okay, Walter?"

"Uh," I say as I scan the menu. "Disco fries and a large Pepsi too, please."

Sandy writes down our orders and we hand her our menus. "Okay, I'll put it right in — oh Walter, if you don't mind stopping by the counter on your way out. I'd like to speak to you about a few things."

I nod. "Yeah sure."

She smiles. "Your food will be out in a little bit." Sandy says to the three of us before tending to other customers.

"So, how was everybody's week?" Faith asks me and my brother.

We exchange glances. "Fine." we both say.

"Xenia's been texting me nonstop." Uri complains.

"Who?" Faith asks.

"Our sister." he answers.

"Oh, Walt that reminds me. I was able to take off on Valentine's Day, so I can go to the wedding with you." She informs me.

I hear Uri's collection of snickers besides me as Sandy places our drinks on the table.

"What's so funny?" Faith asks.

"Um," I clear my throat. "because you said you weren't able to go, I asked Katherine the other day and she already said yes."

Faith's shoulders fall. "Oh." she says shortly.

"You can go with me." Uri offers as he sips his straw of Pepsi. I glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice. "I need a date and Xenia's pretty pissed we haven't RSVP'd." he adds.

"Okay, yeah sure, if it's okay with Walter."

No it's not fine it'll be hella awkward if you go Faith, what in the world makes you think that would be okay? You being my brother's date to a family function, let alone a wedding?

"Yeah, I'm totally cool with it." I say.

I am not totally cool with it. The words just wouldn't come out, I was incapable of intentionally hurting Faith's feelings — occasionally it would happen, but unintentionally.

"Just don't make Ma mad." I tell her.

"Why would I make her mad?" Faith chuckles.

"She hates overly happy people," Uri speaks. "even more if they're religious."

Faith blinks. "Why?"

I shrug. "Louisa Hale is a very mysterious woman. I didn't know her name until I was nine."

"That's ridiculous, you'd have to know your own mother's name." Faith objects.

Uri shakes his head. "1996, maternity ward, written on the dry erase board."

"The day Xenia was born." I say. "AKA the day we found out Ma's name."

"Didn't you think it was weird how you didn't know your own mother's name?" Faith asks.

Uri and I shake our heads.

"What did you call her?" she asks yet another question as if it is the most fascinating subject in the universe.

"Ma." we both answer.


A/N: short chapter and gives slight insight on uri + walt's familia!!! 😁😁😁 also, there is only seven chapters left until the epilogue!!! 😭😭 look out for thirteen coming out soon!

+ happy alentines ay to those who won't be getting the v or the d ((: 😅😂

the Fragment Chronicles: Katherine [Rewriting]  ⊸Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang