Chapter 1

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Emma's POV
The only question that came to my mind was why. Why was I alone in a room with some boys that I've barely talked to. I mean I know who these guys are, I'm just unsure why we'd be in the same room. The only thing I know we have in common is our accomplishments but we've never had to interact because of them before. We are the most well known kids in our school but it wasn't because we were pretty or cool. It's because we are the smartest kids in the school; each of us have a subject that we excel at though.  Anthony is incredibly good with photography, we've had a few run ins when we worked on the newspaper together but we didn't speak much. That's not a real subject but he's incredibly smart, photography was just what made him stand out. Chase is a mathlete, are math team has never lost thanks to him. literally went from the worst school in the league to the best the minute he got here freshmen year. Griffin is exceptional in science, I've heard rumors of him getting recruited by Nasa. Elmo is one of the top athletes in the state, people say he's gotten a few full-ride offers. Jaden is in choir, also not a real school subject but he's led our glee club to nationals for four years, which is pretty impressive. Noen's focus is history, he's led the debate team to state a few times. Then there's me, I've won so many awards for my writing that I've been offered a job at the New York Times newspaper. People call us the "Elites" due to our high achievements and straight A's, I find it a little weird being talked about but i've gotten use to it over the years. This was my first time being alone with them, so I was a bit uncomfortable. I think they were too. The tension was cut when our principal, Mr. Stevens walked in.

"Hello everyone, I'm sorry I had to take you out of your classes but I have some exciting news"- Mr.S

I leaned back in my seat and stared at him expectedly along with the others in the room.

"The school is sending you students on a week long camping trip for all the publicity and money you've all raised for the school." -Mr.S

"Why? We're only two weeks away from finals, wouldn't the trip get in the way of our studies" -Jaden (J)

"You all are so far ahead that failing these classes honestly probably wouldn't even matter but we've excused you for the next week and your finals. It's all been taken care of.  All you have to do is come to graduation prep during the last week."-Mr.S

I sat in my seat kind of annoyed since I already finished some of my  final while the boys "whooped" and clapped. Maybe I can sell them I thought. 

"Can you tell us about the trip?"-Anthony(A)

"Yes,  we are going to send you 7 to a cabin resort where you'll be able to bond and get to know each other. The staff and I find it odd how the brightest kids at this school don't interact with one another or really anyone at all. Food and other expenses have been covered and all of your parents have given some kind of approval for you to go. You will be looked after by a ranger in a cabin over, you'll have a lot free rein so we ask that you guys be on your best behavior. There is only one cabin, it has four rooms, so boys you'll double up and of course Emma will have her own. Any questions" -Mr.S

We all just stared at him for a minute. Was he serious?

"So what you're saying is, you're gonna send 7 teenagers out for a week basically unsupervised for getting a few awards. Is this even allowed?"-Noen(N)

"The school gets thousands of dollars for every time you kids get those awards, so we decided to give back to the ones who have done the most. I know it seems strange but the staff can't leave and we figured you guys didn't want your parents hanging around and there will be someone there. Plus we had it allowed by the school board so yes, it is allowed"-Mr.S

He made a good point. The boys all nodded in agreement.

"Well, you have been dismissed for the rest of today and tomorrow to get all packed  and ready. Be at the school at 10am Wednesday morning. Please wait to leave campus after the bell rings to not cause any disturbance. I'll see you kids on Wednesday."-Mr.S

After he left we looked around at each other unsure of what to do. None of us have really acknowledged each other's existence until now, which I guess is weird so I understand where the staff is coming from. That doesn't make this situation any less awkward though.

"It's only 1, I'm not going to be able to get ride home. That blows. "-Chase(C)

"Is it really that early? I won't be able to find one either man"-Griffin (G).

"I can give you guys a ride if you want"- Emma(E)

They all turned their heads to me. They all looked so shock, it was like they've seen a ghost.

"I thought you were mute" -N

I heard a bunch of yahs come from the rest of the boys. His statement caused me to chuckle.
"I get that a lot, I just don't speak much."-E

"I get that but I think in the past four years I've known you, I don't think I have ever heard you speak"-N

"Me either"-C

"I've had classes with you guys?"-E


"You've never noticed"- G

"I usually keep my head down and have headphones in."-E 

I shrugged at them like it was nothing but I seriously never knew they were in my classes.

"Like you've really never noticed? We have English together this year, I sit behind you"-A

"Oh, have you spoken to me in class before?" -E

"No." -A

"Then I'm sorry. I've really never noticed." -E

He looked almost offended with the fact that I didn't acknowledge his existence but in my defense he didn't make any efforts to be acknowledged. They all kept staring at me as if I did something wrong and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. I glanced at them trying to not get agitated with their looks and I guess Griffin noticed my discomfort because he changed the subject.

"Can I still get that ride?"-G

"Oh, me too. It's a pretty far walk" -C

"Yah"-E I laughed out. I looked at him and gave him a shy smile which he returned.



With that we spent the remaining time making lame attempts at conversation and doing our best to get rid of the tension in the room.

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