Chapter 11

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I woke up with Anthony by my side which immediately put me in a good mood. I kissed his forehead before going into my closet and getting ready for the day. Knowing this was our last full day here made me a little upset but I was trying not to think about it. When I came out I saw Anthony sitting up on the bed. 

"Good morning" I smiled while walking over to him

"Good morning" he replied giving me a hug

*knock knock*

Anthony and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"hold on, please"-E 

"Where am I gonna hide" Anthony whispered shooting up 

I looked around "The closet"

He hurried to the closet and closed the doors behind him. I walked up to the door and opened it. 

"Good morning Elmo" I breathed out

"Are you alright" -Elmo

"Yep, I was just changing. What's up" -E

"We where wondering if you wanted to go frog chasing with us after breakfast" -Elmo

"Frog chasing?" I laughed

"Yah, it's kind of random, but I thought it could be fun" -Elmo

"It sounds awesome, I'll be down in a minute" I smiled

"Okay, great. See you in a bit" he smiled and walked out.

I closed the door behind me. "It's clear" I yelled.

"We're going frog chasing" he asked

I shrugged and laughed. "You got to go get changed"

"I know,  can you check if it's clear" 

I looked out the door and nobody was out there

"It's clear go quick" -E

He walked to the door and gave me a quick kiss before heading back to his room. It really sucks that whatever this is, is probably going to end soon too. It's a real mood killer. I went downstairs and met up with Griff and the others.

"Had a little fun time with your boy, last night" Griff wiggled his eyes

"Oh get your head out of the gutter, we just slept, I swear"

"Yah okay" he smirked making me roll my eyes.

I got myself some cereal and sat next to Jaden.


"Hey" I smiled

We ate and talked while we waited for everyone to finish eating. As soon as everyone was done we made our way to the lake not to far from the cabin. We stayed out there chasing frogs and hanging out until it started getting dark out. It's a good thing we brought snacks out. We walked in the cabin laughing about something Noen had said.

"Now what?" -C

"Let's make s'mores" -J

"Oooo" -E

Jaden, Chase, and I went into the kitchen and got everything we needed while the others got the fire started. So for the next hour or so we made s'mores and complained about having to go back home. I'm gonna really miss these guys.

"Let's play spin the bottle truth or dare" -Anthony said. 

We all mumbled out okays and moved over to the couches. I'm not surprised about how this is how we decide to end our trip.

"Everyone knows how to play right?" we nodded. "If it lands on no one everyone has to answer a question"

Anthony spun the bottle and it landed on Noen.

"Truth or Dare"


"I dare you to do a flip"

"Easy" he stood up and walked to an open area. He took a deep breath and landed a backflip.

That's basically how the rest of the game went. We didn't do anything spectacular or crazy but it was an overall fun time. The bottle barely landed on me.

"Okay last one since it's getting late" Chase spun the bottle. It landed on no one.

"Do any of you plan on staying in contact with each other, after we leave tomorrow" 

Everyone looked around at each other but no one made a move to raise their hand. I looked at Anthony who was already staring at me. We gave each other a sympathetic look before I turned to Griff who also gave me a sad look. This sucked. I mean I knew that none of us would probably talk to each other again but I secretly hoped that we would make some effort. Now I know none of us plan on doing anything. 

The awkward silence was painful. "It's getting late, we should all head to bed" I said standing up.

"Yah, we have to get up early tomorrow" Griff added

"Goodnight guys" -E

I tried to hide the fact that I was upset but I understand why we aren't gonna talk. I mean we're all going separate ways after graduation and we can't afford to have distractions right now but it still hurts.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking so I just laid there for awhile until I passed out.

*The next day.*

We didn't talk much at breakfast or even on the bus. The awkwardness still to thick to cut through. When we reached the school we were greeted by Mr. Stevens who made us take a group photo together. I don't think he noticed the weird tension between us. 

Surprisingly though, we did all hug goodbye which I thought was much needed. We didn't hate each other, our friendship was just bad timing. I hugged Griff and Anthony a little tighter than the rest. I would probably run into Griff a bit since he lives two houses down from me so that's good. It was tough saying bye to Anthony though. Despite only knowing each other for like 5 days, I've grown to like him very much and who knows where this would've gone if we had talked before. We all said goodbye before going our separate ways. These were the best days of my life. We still have graduation and grad night to get through so we'll probably end up stuck together for a little longer.

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