Chapter 3

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The hour flew by and it was great. I haven't had this much fun with another human being since I won my first award and my dad took me to the fair, that was four years ago. We spent the whole time goofing around and talking, it was surprisingly really nice. I honestly didn't expect for Griff to be as chill as he was. We really connected, I think I just got my first ever bestfriend.

We met with the others and got some burgers. We sat together, still barely any talking being done. This silence was starting to get a bit annoying and that's saying a lot coming from an introvert. I thought someone would at least talk about something, like what they bought or plan to buy.

I felt a poke at my side and turned to face the culprit. I looked at Griff with a questioning look. He nodded his head to the rest of the group who were staring at their phones or food. like I was suppose to know what he wanted me to do. I gave him a questioning look again.

He mouthed, "talk to them". I shook my head and pointed at him to do it. He had a way better shot at getting them to converse than I did. He pointed at me again. I shook my head and poked him while mouthing "You do it". Then we had a poke war, forgetting where we were at that moment.

"What are you guys doing?, -A.

Both our heads turned faster than a tornado.

"Poke war" -G and I nodded along.

"Why" -C.

Griff and I exchanged looks before shrugging at the rest of the group and going back to eating. The poke war was fun but very unnecessary. They went back to eating after giving us a few odd glances, which was understandable. Throughout the meal Griff and I kept whispering and laughing at post on his phone. We had to wait for the others to finish eating before we could continue our shopping so we were just trying to pass the time.

"Just kiss already, geez," -A

I became extremely embarrassed and red. We weren't even doing anything that prompted that statement. I was just trying to enjoy the funny memes.

"Excuse me?," -E

The boys glanced around at each other. Anthony looked almost embarrassed by what he said. "Dude we're just messing around, trying to 'bond' like Stevens wanted us too" -G

"Yah," -E

"Then why aren't we being included into your guys conversation?," -Elmo

He leaned back in his seat smirking at us acting like he just exposed us but to be honest, I don't see griffin as anything other than a friend and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way.

"You guys seemed more interested in your phones than us," I shrugged.

"Yah, we're actually making a lame attempt at a friendship" -G "unlike you guys"

Elmo's smirked slightly dropped but then raised as he sat up in his seat and gave us a cocky look.

"So you wouldn't mind if I joined you guys in a few shops?"-E

"Not even a little bit" -G

"Yah, the more the merrier" I added with a smile.

I'm not surprised by Elmo's attitude, he kinda has a jerkish vibe. Hopefully as time goes by he gets nicer. He could be like this just because he doesn't know us yet.

"Great, why don't we all shop together we can coordinate snacks" Jaden chimed in.

"That's a great idea, let's go to the candy store first" -N

We all stood up, threw our trash away, and made our way to the candy place. The awkwardness of the conversation was still in the air but I was doing my best to not get affected by it. I distracted myself with food. Food is always a blessing in hard times and right now sour gummy worms were the only thing I needed to get my mind off the topic.

We spent the next hour picking out munchies for the trip and clothing items. Finally we got to head back home. I was dreading the car ride back.

When we got to the car, I was surprised by Elmo jumping in to the passenger seat.


Griffin gave me a sympathetic look as I crawled into the back seat with Anthony. Rules are rules. As I buckled up, I gave Anthony a soft smile trying to be polite and, thankfully, he returned it. Fortunately, the ride home wasn't as bad as the ride to the mall. Everyone was at least trying to talk to one another. I think the worst part about the ride was being squished between bags and Anthony, I was almost on his lap, but that didn't seem to really bother him too much. I was the last to be dropped off due to the proximity of my house to his and I didn't mind since we got to talk more.

When we pulled up to my house, Griffin and I got out of the car and walked to my door.

"Wanna come in?" -E


I unlocked the door and I directed him to my bedroom so we can put everything down. I really didn't want to pack all this up.

"Nice room" -G


"Why the basement for a room?" -G

"So I can sneak out easier" -E

We looked at each other a laughed. I would never sneak out and it's not like there's anyone here I'd have to be cautious of anyway. I could just leave and come back as I pleased.

"So, how are you getting to the school tomorrow?"-G

"I'm probably going to walk so I don't have to leave my car at that school for a week."-E

We started making our way upstairs and towards the door after I emptied the last bag on my bed. When we got to the door, he stopped.

"Wanna get a ride with me and my mom, it's a pretty long walk from here to the school" -G

"Yah, that would be great, thanks." -E

"No biggie, it's the least I could do"-G "I better get going, see you tomorrow"

"See you" -E

He gave me a quick hug and scurried out the door while I waved him off. He's such a dork.

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