Chapter 4

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It's too early to be alive. I probably could of slept in another hour if my lazy butt would've just packed last night but no, I had to push it aside to read a book. I'm such a freaking nerd. 

I shoved the covers off of me and dragged myself out of bed to get this stinking day started with. I hope we stop at a coffee place on the way, I don't know how i'll stay awake on that bus if we don't. 


I finally finished and with 10 minutes to spare. That's the most I've done in a long time, I can't believe I'm not winded. 

I'm really curious to see how much stuff the guys brought. I myself packed 4 bags. I hope we got a decent sized bus so we all have plenty of room to space out and relax. My thoughts were interupted by a knock on my door. I guess it's time to go. 

"Come in" -E yelled 

"Hey, you ready to go?" -G 

"As ready as i'll ever be" -E

"It's not gonna be at bad"-G

"That's easy for you to say, you're not gonna be the only girl. I'm gonna be an outcast the whole time"-E

"Hey, you'll have me. I promise" -G "Now let's go before we're late you bum"

I laughed as I shoved him out the door and locked up.

We picked up coffee and my mood got 10 times better. Griff was right, how bad can this trip be. It's just a whole bunch a teenagers being left at a cabin in the woods for a week. What could possibly go wrong?

As we approached the school, I could already see a couple of the boys hanging around the bus. This was a nice one too. I thought it would be a regular yellow school bus or something but it was one of those fancy ones that the football team used for championships. They really hooked us up. 

Griff and I said goodbye to his mom and then made our way to the others just as Chase and Jaden did. Anthony, Noen, and Elmo were the ones already there. We passed the time waiting for Mr.Stevens by chatting about how late we stayed up getting ready for today. 

"Hello, everyone" -Mr.Stevens

Finally. We all nodded our heads as a greeting and a mumble of good mornings were heard.

"I just came to make sure you all got going okay, so hop on the bus"

We all hyped up as we got on a waved Stevens goodbye.

On the bus, Griffin and I were the onlys you sat together which is reasonable since they're probably gonna lie down and sleep. I'm going to get to know more about griff and the rides only like an hour so I probably won't have enough time to sleep commfortably anyway. 

Not even 5 minutes later I looked around and everyone was asleep, even Griffin, which kinda sucked because I really wanted to talk to him and because he was using me as a pillow but I can't blame him, sleep did sound appealing.   

The next thing I know I'm being shaken awake and told that we have arrived at our destination. We make our way off of the bus and start unloading our things. As soon as all of our stuff was off, the bus driver drove away leaving us in front a huge cabin with some random ranger girl. 

"Welcome everyone. My name is Lucy and I'll be your caretaker while you're here. I'll just be around to make sure you guys have plenty of food and water and that you guys don't die."

We all introduced ourselves as she led us inside the cabin. It was absolutely beautiful. 

"Allow me to give you guys a tour of the place, your bags will be taken to your rooms." Lucy said while giving us a nice smile. "Okay, so this is this is the kitchen area that you guys are free to use whenever you like. The shelfs are filled with food, that should last you throughout the week. Over here is the lounge room, there's a tv and a fire place ready for use. And then there are two of the 4 bathrooms in the house. Your rooms are labeled upstairs. Your roomie was picked by your principal. Now I'll leave you guys to settle in, have fun kiddos. I'll be staying in the cabin over if you need anything." -Lucy

That was quick.

I joined Griffin's side as we made our way upstairs. 

"You're so lucky you don't have to share a room"-G

"I know, sucks to be you" -E

He gave an annoyed look and stopped in front of his room

"Hey, you got Anthony, he's not so bad" I said while giving him a sympathetic smile. 

"It could be worse" Griffin said sending a quick glance at Elmo. 

"Find me when you're settled in?" -E

"Of Course, see you in a bit" -G

He gave me a quick hug before playfully pushing me towards my room and entering his with Anthony right behind him. I rolled my eyes at him before turning around and accidently bumping into someone.

"Oh shoot, sorry" -E

I looked up to see who it was and sadly it was Elmo but instead of telling me off, like I thought he would, he asked me If I was alright. It totally threw me off guard. I gave him a skeptical look as he held onto me for a moment too long and nodded before excusing myself to my room.

When I walked into my room I was struck with awe. It was amazing. It had a single bed, a walk in closet, a personal bathroom, and it was all my favorite color, blue, there was even a balcony. Wow, they really outdid themselves. I'll have to check out Griff's room later.

Once I finally stopped admiring everything, I started unpacking my clothes. Just as I went into the closet I heard a  knock on my door. 

"Come in" I yelled while coming out to greet my guest.

"Woah, your room is incredible. Is that a balcony" Griff exclaimed

"Yah, Isn't it cool" -E

"Super, I'm so jealous" -G 

"You know you're welcomed here anytime, it's not like anyone would care if you hung around in here sometimes" -E

"I might just do that. We can talk about boys and do each others hair" Griff said in a girly voice causing me to roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him.

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