Chapter 1 the Birthday

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Elena enters the Salvatore house to see Damon standing there

"Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to look" explained Elena

"You mean a dead end" replied Damon

"You don't know that" answered Elena

"You are right, Elena. This could be the one. After almost two months this could be the one clue that tells that Stefan is alive and well and living in Graceland" explained Damon

"Fine I go by myself" replied Elena

"Right, and let Klaus know you're tracking him. He thinks you're dead; let's keep it that way" answered Damon

"It's a new lead Damon we haven't had one in ages" replied Elena

"Okay I check it out if I find anything I call you" answered Damon

Elena nods and leave as Damon heads upstairs to see Christina sitting in her bed staring at a picture of her and Stefan posing

"He was never a poser" laughed Damon

"God no" giggled Christina "he was embarrassing"

"Hey Elena found a new lead if you are up for a road trip to take your mind of things" explained Damon "we could find Stefan"

"Yeah I'm up" mumbled Christina "Theo gone school anyway"

Damon carries Christina downstairs as Alaric came

"We are taking your car" answered Alaric

Damon places Christina in the shotgun seat as Alaric climbed into the back of the car. Damon pulls up to a house and parks the car, they get out the car and make their way towards the door as Alaric opens it and Damon puts his foot in the door and takes hold of Christina's hand. They walk into the living room to see two dead girls

"Vampire's for sure" groaned Alaric

"Stefan for sure" answered Christina

"How do you know?" asked Alaric

" It's his signature; there's a reason they call him the ripper. Feeds so hard he blacks out and rips them apart, but then when he's done, he feels remorse. It's the damndest thing" He lifts his leg and wobbles the first woman's knee with his foot."He put the bodies back together"

The woman's head fell to the floor

"Back together?" Alaric questioned

"Definitely Stefan" replied Damon

Damon leaves and comes back with gasoline as he begins to pour it over the bodies and the floor leaving Alaric and Christina confused

"What are you doing?" Alaric asked

"Covering their tracks. Clearly they have no interest in staying in the dark, but I do" Damon answered

"Damie they are werewolves" replied Christina

Damon lights a match and tosses it on the floor. Soon the whole living room is on fire. They leave and drop Alaric home and head home themselves as Elena and Theon enter the house with loads of people following

"Happy birthday Elena" shouted everyone

"Thank you" said Elena

Christina got bored and head outside as she sees Alaric

"You can't be bothered for parties either" replied Alaric

"Nope" answered Christina "Not a party without Stef"

"I know Chris, Damon is trying everything to make you feel better" explained Alaric "he Is worried about you and so is your boyfriend"

Theon walks out and pecks Christina on the lips

"Hey" said Christina

"Hey, Damon left the party his fake girlfriend needed him to pick her up" explained Theon

"She does my head in" answered Christina

However, Damon found Andie's purse on the floor to see Stefan standing there

"Stefan" said Damon

"Hello brother" said Stefan

"You don't write and you don't call" replied Damon "Chrissy is missing you"

"Need you to stop following me. Causing some problems" explained Stefan

"With who? Klaus? Are we supposed to care with he thinks?" Damon questioned

"You are suppose to let me do this" replied Stefan

"Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee. Walking a fine line there my friend. Keep that up and there will be no saving you" explained Damon

"See the thing is, uh, I don't need any saving. I just want you to let me go" said Stefan

"Nah, I got a birthday girl at home that's not gonna let me do that" replied Damon

"Andie you can move now" commanded Stefan

"NO" Damon bellowed

Stefan grabs him and pushes him against the wall so he can't save Andie. Andie falls to the ground and her neck cracks. Stefan grabs him around the neck

"I said let me go" yelled Stefan

He lets Damon go and Damon runs over to Andie but she's already dead. He looks back but Stefan is gone.

Damon returns home to find Elena in his room

"Damon flipped the switch" said Damon

"Stop it Damon" shouted Elena

"No, you stop, Elena! Stop looking for him. Stop waiting for him to come home. Just stop! Stefan is gone and he's not coming back. Not in your lifetime" shouted Damon

Christina ran into Stefan's room locking his door and began tearing everything apart as she smashed the picture of him and her until Damon heard and knocked on the door

"Chrissy" said Damon "CHRISSY"

Christina opens the door as Damon looks around to see the room a mess as Christina fell into Damon's arms and began to weep

"He's not coming back is he?" sobbed Christina

"No" replied Damon "I'm sorry"

Damon carries Christina into his room and places her on his bed as Theon enters

"She's not alright" mouthed Theon

Damon shook his head

"No you stay in her room, she pushes people away when she is upset about Stefan becoming the ripper again" explained Damon "I look after her, she will need you as well you are good boyfriend to her Theo I can't keep saying thank you"

"No problem she a good girl" replied Theon

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