Chapter 9 homecoming

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"Aye, let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait" replied Stefan

"And we vervained hime" answered Damon

"Then we drove the dagger through his heart" replied Christina

"What if Klaus wants to see Mikael in person?" asked Theon

"Well that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him" explained Mikael

"Okay" replied Theon

Rebekah arrives to hear Stefan on the phone talking to Klaus. Stefan puts the phone down

"That wasn't so hard was it?" asked Damon

"I need to lend one of your ties" replied Stefan "I'm going to Homecoming because I got to protect Elena"

"I can protect Elena myself twin" smiled Christina "Damon have you picked out my dress?"

"Yes it's a nice blue dress" answered Damon he shows her the dress

"I love it" squealed Christina "thanks Damie"

Elena goes and daggers Rebekah as Damon and a fully dressed Christina entered

"Do you trust Mikael?" asked Elena

"No" answered Christina and Damon

"What about Stefan?" asked Elena

"No. Not as long as he is under Klaus's control" replied Damon

"Then we need a better plan" answered Elena

"I got one but you two need to trust me" said Damon

"Okay" said Elena

"Chrissy" said Damon

"Fine" huffed Christina

They leave and head to the homecoming dance which is at Tyler's house when Rocky ran over to Christina and Theon

"Hey Rocky" said Christina

"Hi" shouted Rocky "no getting drunk you are looking after me"

"Okay" chuckled Christina

However, Damon and Mikael is talking when Stefan enters

"Change of plans. Klaus is back. He is at the Lockwood's and he wants your body delivered to his doorstep" explained Stefan "You have a plan right"

"Yes but it doesn't involve you" answered Damon

Mikael leaps forward, grabs Stefan and starts to feed on him; Stefan falls to the floor unconscious.

"You couldn't have just broke his neck?" asked Damon

"Well that certainly occurred to me" replied Mikael

Damon and Mikael leave. Damon walks towards where Christina and Theon are dancing when a hybrid walks over

"Invite only" replied Hybrid

Damon rips out his heart

"Hybrid" answered Damon

"Yes" answered Christina

Damon leaves to see Klaus and Mikael talking when Christina joins him. Damon rushes up behind Klaus, twists him around and stabs the White Oak Tree dagger into his stomach. Katherine gets up from the floor. Katherine has two wolfsbane grenades in her hands and throws them at the hybrids. Meanwhile, Damon is about to stake Klaus, when Stefan knocks him off of Klaus and holds him down. The stake is on the floor

"What are you doing?" asked Damon

Klaus takes the stake jumps at Mikael and drives it through Mikael's heart; he bursts into flames and dies

"What did you do?" asked Damon

"He earned his freedom" answered Klaus

Stefan gets off Damon

"Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You are free" replied Klaus

Klaus un-compels Stefan. Stefan looks where Damon was, but he has fled, Damon arrives home where Elena is to see Christina already there with Theon who is trying to stop her from flipping

"We blew it" shouted Christina "Mikael is fucking dead"

Damon's throws a bottle of scotch into the fire pit as Theon gives him a glare

"Now I know where Christina gets the attitude from" answered Theon

"We survive this we always survive" replied Elena

"We are never getting Stefan back" muttered Damon "Chrissy I'm so sorry"

Damon sits down as Christina crawls onto his laps and starts crying

"I don't want to let him go" cried Christina "when I needed him he was there but now he doesn't need us"

"Shush" shushed Damon "how about me and you go and drink at the bar since you are eighteen"

"Fine" laughed Christina "to be fair I'm still seventeen"

Damon takes Christina to the pub where they see Alaric

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