Chapter 6 smells like teen spirit

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Christina woke up as she sees Theon next to her who engulfs her in a hug, she looks up and remembers everything that happened to the day before with Stefan who humanity is now switched of and how Klaus wouldn't harm her. The door knocks as Christina opens it

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Christina

"Where is Stefan?" asked Rebekah

"He is with Klaus" answered Christina

"No Klaus left me and Stefan here and took Nicolette" replied Rebekah

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care" said Stefan

Christina spun around to see Stefan and Damon standing behind her as Theon comes walking out as Damon walks towards Christina

"So which one is my room" replied Rebekah "I go and find it myself"

"I guess she is staying here" replied Stefan

Stefan walks away

"So Klaus left both of them here" replied Christina "I hoped you told Elena"

"No I told Elena" answered Theon

Theon kisses Christina on the lips. Christina and Theon head to class to see Stefan and Rebekah

"FOR GOD SAKE" yelled Christina "the pretty had to come and spoil everything"

Class finished as Elena and Christina leave but bump into Rebekah

"Thanks for your room darling" replied Rebekah "I am changing it to pink I hate blue and it says Rebekah now instead of Christina"

"It's going to say dead instead of alive" growled Christina "you have to take everything of me"

Christina and Elena walk away to see Damon

"Damon I am moving into your room" shouted Christina

"What's up?" asked Damon

"Buffy here just stole my room" answered Christina

Night time came and they met up with Alaric, Caroline and Theon

"I lure Stefan away from the bonfire" replied Elena "when he is distracted"

"I shoot him" replied Alaric

"Can't Bonnie just use her magic on him?" asked Damon

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?" explained Elena

"Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready" answered Caroline

"I kill Rebekah" answered Christina "then I get my room back"

"No Damon can just keep her away" replied Elena

Tyler walks in

"We are not hurting Stefan" shouted Tyler "Klaus wouldn't want that"

Christina injects Tyler with Vervain

"He's been sired" answered Damon "he is loyal to Klaus"

Damon walks away as Christina sees Alaric trying to get Elena out of a burning car when Stefan wakes up and helps her out as they rush away when the car explodes

"Close" replied Christina

They head to the Salvatore house to see Damon

"You know Damon you got staked by Rebekah" replied Christina "and Elena nearly got barbecued"

Alaric enters

"Elena are you ready to go?" asked Alaric

"Great work tonight, Ric. Sorry about the car, man. Bummer" explained Damon

Elena leaves with Alaric as Theon walks into Damon's room and kissed Christina on the lips as his hands slowly made their way into Christina's trousers she began to move her hands down the side of Theon's legs. Damon walked out with a smile on his face, Damon goes downstairs and picks up broken pieces Somebody hits him hard which sends him flying backwards. He falls on the floor. It's Mason. Damon opens his eyes. it's Mason

"This is going to be fun" replied Mason

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