Chapter 12 The ties that bind

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Damon wakes Christina and Theon up as they head to Elena's house to see Bonnie there, Damon hands Bonnie a folder

"I found your mum" replied Damon

"I call shotgun" shouted Christina

"Okay" said Bonnie

"I'm coming" answered Damon

"No Damon you are not, you are going to have a nice day out with Theon" explained Elena "spend some time together since he is dating your sister"

Damon and Theon leaves and head to the hospital to see Alaric

"So you speaking to a hot nurse who ex is the medical examiner" replied Damon "he died, Liz found his body last night"

"Seriously" said Alaric

"Yeah" said Damon "he was murdered with a stake in his heart"

"Let me guess me and Chris was asleep" answered Theon

"Ding, ding" shouted Damon

"Damon shut up" laughed Theon

Meanwhile, Christina, Elena and Bonnie are driving to meet Bonnie's mum

" I just can't believe that I'm actually going to see her. Or meet her. Sort of. Since I don't really remember her" replied Bonnie

"You don't really talk about her" answered Elena

"What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called. Not even when my Grams died. Could we talk about you and Damon instead?" explained Bonnie

"Damon just kissed me" replied Elena

Stefan phones Christina

"What do you want twin?" asked Christina

"Where are you?" asked Stefan

"me, Bonnie and Elena are spending the night at the lake house" answered Christina

Christina hang up, they arrived at Bonnie's mum house to see a boy

"Hi why are you here?" asked boy

"I'm here to visit my mum" replied Bonnie

"I'm Jamie you can come in and wait" answered Jamie

They enter as Jamie sits down when a woman came walking in

"Jamie who's car is that in our front yard?" asked Woman

"It's mine I'm your daughter Bonnie" replied Bonnie

"Hi Bonnie I'm Abby" introduced Abby

Abby walks away and walks back in with the tray of food as Abby and Bonnie began to argue and Elena and Christina looked at each other and walked outside to see Stefan

"Hi Christina nice lake house" said Stefan "you thought I will never find out"

"I didn't care you were mean to me before" shouted Christina

Stefan kicks a chair and breaks it when Jamie walks in

"Is everything okay here?" asked Jamie

"Jamie just go back in please" replied Elena

"I don't think so" said Jamie

Stefan grabs him by the throat and compels him "Go back upstairs, before I tear your damn throat out. Do you understand me?"

Jamie leaves

"You changed twin" replied Christina

Jamie walks back into the barn with a shotgun

"You are not suppose to be here" answered Jamie

"Jamie what are you doing?" asked Elena

"He is not suppose to be here" yelled Jamie

"He's compelled" replied Stefan

Jamie fires the shotgun as Christina jumps in the way and got shot as she falls to the floor, Stefan moves towards her but Jamie shoots him. Jamie ties Elena's hands together

"Why are doing this?" asked Elena

"Stop moving" replied Jamie

"Jamie they need help" answered Elena

Jamie leaves and help Abby place and unconscious Bonnie into the back of her car. Jamie walks back into the barn

"Jamie just let us go please" begged Elena

"Fuck" moaned Christina

"A man told me if Abby doesn't get the coffins I have to shoot him he told me not to shoot the girl but she got in the way" explained Jamie

Christina pulls the wood out of her and stands up attacking Jamie knocking him unconscious as she frees Elena who kneels in front of Stefan

"You shouldn't have saved me you should never got in the way" replied Stefan "you just a little girl who can't look herself, I changed and that means I don't want you to save me anymore I'm not going to let you hurt me"

"Me hurt you" shouted Christina "you hurt me, I came back because I missed you but I should have just stayed with Damon all this time"

"What can I do?" asked Elena

"Every time I move, the wood shifts inside of me. I can feel it scraping against my heart. You need to get the pieces out" Stefan explained

Elena nods and begins to take out the wood pieces. Nicolette arrives to see Elena is still pulling the wooden pieces out from Stefan's chest at the barn, but he keeps screaming, so she stops

"Just get it out" yelled Stefan

Christina walks over to the other side of the barn covering her ears with her hands as she clutches her side because she feels his pain

"Here let me do it" replied Nicolette

Nicolette finally gets the wood out as Stefan stops screaming

"Thanks" replied Christina

"Stefan I kissed Damon" explained Elena

Stefan sits up and looks down a the ground and then gets up walking away. Elena and Nicolette check on Christina who is sitting on the ground crying, Nicolette wraps her arms around her and let's her cry

"I want to go home" cried Christina "I feel bad for him but he doesn't feel bad for me"

Nicolette drives Elena home and then drops Christina home. She enters the house as Damon rushes over to her because she is crying

"Thank you" replied Damon

Nicolette smiles and leaves when Theon comes back with drinks but stops when he sees Christina crying in Damon's arms as he picks her up and places her on the couch as Theon sits down and wraps his arms around her when Stefan walks in

"You kissed Elena" replied Stefan

"You hurt our little sister feelings" answered Damon

Damon pulls the dagger out from his coat pocket and shows it to Stefan

"What did you do?" asked Stefan

"I want to go out" replied Christina

"Damon you want to come?" asked Theon

"Sure" replied Damon

Damon, Christina and Theon leave and walk through the woods

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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