Chapter 7 Ghost world

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Damon is tied to a chair. A fireplace stoker is in his chest. His ring is on the floor. Mason is watching him

"You got to be kidding me" said Damon "Stefan"

Stefan enters

"What the hell happened to you?" asked Stefan

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it" answered Damon

"I didn't do this" said Stefan

"Quit screwing around" shouted Damon

"I didn't" replied Stefan

Stefan removes the iron stick. Damon screams. Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves. Mason is watching them but Damon can't see him.

"Don't worry I untie myself" muttered Damon

Mason opens the curtains so the sunlight can enter the room. Damon's skin burns. He screams, Christina hears this and rush downstairs as she helps Damon out of the chair and away from the sunlight

"My ring Chrissy" said Damon

Christina vamp speeds and grabs Damon ring and places it on his finger. Damon and Christina leave and joined Bonnie at a table at the grill

"Look Bonnie I think Mason Lockwood is back" explained Damon "when I kill someone I expect them to stay dead"

"Oh no shit" muttered Christina

"What Chrissy?" asked Damon

"This means Gale would be back and she hates me" replied Christina

Christina and Damon get up and walk over to Alaric

"You know I had enough with vampires today" replied Alaric

"Come on have a drink with me" answered Damon "we got trouble"

"No, you've got trouble. See, we are not a team. You tried to kill me. All right? We are not friends. I don't like you anymore" explained Alaric

"Ah! But remember back when you liked me and we conspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?" asked Damon

"Yeah and?" Alaric questioned

"I think he is pissed" answered Damon

Mason joins them at the bar and smashes a glass over Damon's head

"Told ya" replied Damon

"DICK" shouted Christina

"One of you will pay for this" replied Mason

"Let's get to it. I killed you. You want revenge. Get in line" answered Damon

"I want a apology" replied Mason

"Good luck with that" laughed Alaric

"Don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid Minion" explained Damon "and Klaus is still alive"

"Well there is something that can kill Klaus you two meet me at the Lockwood's old cellar and bring a shovel" answered Mason

"Wait are you talking to me and Damon or Damon and Alaric?" asked Christina

"You and Damon" answered Mason

Mason walks away when a girl enters as Christina hides behind Damon

"Gale is here" whispered Christina

"Oh Chrissy I can see you" replied Gale

"It's Christina to you, only Damie can call me Chrissy" snapped Christina "look you know I am not afraid of you, you are dead and it was your own fault because"

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