Chapter Three

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 After the show, Falk pulled Matthew aside. "Matthew, I need to ask you a favor," he said in a low voice. "This could end up being very important, so I hope you'll say yes once you know what it's about." 

 Matthew gave him a confused look. "All right, but first you have to tell me what it is. What's going on, Falk?"

 "There's something I need you to find out about Charles. Not for me, for Roel." 

 "For Roel?" Matthew repeated. "I've barely talked him the last couple of days. What's going on with him?" 

 Falk sighed. "I'm going to have to explain this very slowly, aren't I? Roel apparently has a huge crush on him, and he's worried Charles wouldn't love him back, which is why he hasn't said anything about it. Matthew, he's miserable and hopeless that it's genuinely sad, and we want to help him." 

 "Who's 'we'?" Matthew asked. 

 "Me and Attila. Roel told us everything earlier, and I thought you might help us help him." 

 "Well, what do you want me to do?" 

 "Do you have any idea if Charles has feelings for Roel?" Falk asked. 

 "Uh...well, they're friends, but other than that, I have no idea. Are you sure this is what's going on, and not just you overreacting somehow?" 

 "I'm not overreacting," Falk said, raising his voice. "This conversation just happened a few hours ago! That was what you walked in on earlier!" 

 "Hey, is everything okay over here?" Attila asked, coming up to them. "Falk, if you don't want anyone to know about this, I think you should keep your voice down or the person you don't want to know about this might find out." 

 Falk sighed. "Matthew, will you try to find out if Charles could return Roel's feelings? Of the three of us, you're probably the only one who could do it without looking suspicious somehow." 

 "If you do it, it'll make this conversation end sooner," Attila pointed out to Matthew. 

 "All right." Matthew held up his hands. "Look, I'll try to find out discreetly if Charles likes Roel back. Why isn't Roel asking me to do this?"

 "Eh, Roel's thinks everything's hopeless, so Falk's decided to take charge of it," said Attila. "You see what I did, though, didn't you? By coming over here with you two?" 

 "No, I'm not sure I'm even following this whole thing," Matthew replied. "What did you do?" 

 "Well, we're all here together, except Roel and Charles," Attila explained. "I left them alone together. Maybe they'll bond a little if they can manage a conversation." 


 Charles, Roel and Attila had all been together when they heard what sounded like Falk yelling at someone, possibly Matthew since he was also missing. 

 "Oh, I better go see what he's doing," said Attila. "I'll make sure there's no destruction. We'll catch up with you guys later." 

 "See you in a bit," Charles called as Attila walked away. "Why do you think Falk would be yelling at Matthew?" he asked Roel.

 Roel shrugged. "No idea. Probably just a dumb argument." 

 "Yeah, probably. Attila seems to know how to handle Falk, so they should all be fine. It's kind of weird when you think about it, isn't it, how quickly the two of them became pals and how they're usually together. Makes you wonder." 

 Roel nodded. "Yeah." 

 "Maybe I should go see what they're all up to," Charles suggested, looking back. 

 "No," Roel said quickly. "I mean, don't worry about it. I'm sure they're all fine. They'll catch up soon. Come on, let's get back to the tour bus." 

 Charles shrugged. "Okay, then." 

 They silently walked back to the tour bus together, and stopped outside. 

 "I just realized what a nice night it is," Charles remarked, looking up. "No clouds, plenty of stars." 

 "Yeah, it's great," Roel agreed. But he wasn't looking up at the sky; he was looking straight at Charles. 

 Charles lowered his gaze and saw Roel staring at him. "What?" 

 Here, it seemed like Roel might have some kind of chance. Maybe he would have taken the chance if he'd had enough time. But they interrupted by three pairs of footsteps and soft voices.

 "Good, you're still here," Matthew said to them. "Thank you for not leaving me here with these two."

 "All right, no more wasting time," Charles said. "Everyone in." 

 They all climbed into the tour bus, and Roel suddenly remembered what Falk had said earlier. Now he would have to wonder what exactly the plan was.

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