Chapter Six

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 "Aliens from space?" Roel suggested. 

 "How could aliens have taken over their bodies?" Charles asked. 

 Roel shrugged. "You never know with aliens." 

 Since it was just the two of them, Roel and Charles had begun coming up with funny theories to explain their bandmates' recent behavior. Roel was having fun coming with all of these things with Charles, but he also felt a little bad. He knew what was going on; Charles was really the only one in the dark. 

 "You okay?" Charles asked him. 

 Roel nodded. "Yeah. You know, whatever they're up to, if they're up to's probably not anything bad. Somebody would have told you if it was really serious." 

 "Yeah, I know you're right. I'm probably just overreacting somehow. Come on, let's go back." 

 When they returned to the tour bus, Falk appeared and said, "Roel, Charles. Where have you two been?" 

 "We just went to get lunch," Charles answered. "Why? Is everything okay?" 

 "Oh, yes, everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to Roel about something." 

 Charles sighed. "I'll be inside." 

 When Charles went back into the tour bus, he asked Attila, who was inside, "Hey, Attila, do you know if anything's wrong with Falk?" 

 Attila looked up at him. "With Falk. No, he's been his usual self. Why, did he seem weird?" 

 Charles shrugged. "I was just wondering. I thought you might know." 

 An awkward silence set in. Charles had a feeling there was something Attila wasn't saying, but he obviously wasn't going to tell him what it was. 


 "So," Falk began, "You and Charles went out to lunch just the two of you?" 

 "It wasn't anything romantic," Roel replied. "We just went out to lunch. He thinks you, Attila and Matthew are all being weird, like you're hiding something from him. And he's right. You guys are acting like this because of me." 

 "Oh, don't feel sorry for yourself. Oh, look, here comes Matthew." 

 "What are you guys doing now?" Matthew asked them. 

 "We're just having a conversation, Matthew," said Falk. "We're not plotting anything. Not right now, at least. Roel, did Charles give you any sign that he likes you?" 

 "No." Roel sighed. "Look, I appreciate you guys trying to help me in...your own weird way. I really do. But this is something I think I have handle on my own."

 "Good idea," Matthew said, looking at Falk. "Maybe we should just leave you to it. Falk, do you think you can stop interfering?" 

 "I haven't been 'interfering', Matthew, as you put it. I have been trying to be a good friend by helping Roel." 

 "Yeah, you helped by setting me up to try to get information out of Charles," Matthew pointed out. 

 "You said you would do it!" 

 "Because you almost literally had me backed into a corner. What would you have done to me if I said no?"

 "Um, guys, I think I can handle this from now on," Roel cut in, not wanting this conversation to escalate any further. 

 "Then you have to figure this out," Falk said to him. "You have have to get of your own way, and just go for it, or something like that." 

 "You mean the way you haven't been able to?" Matthew suggested. 

 Falk turned his head to look at him. "What?" 

 "That's it, isn't it?" Matthew asked. "It didn't take too long to figure out. You haven't done anything about your own feelings; you're afraid to, so you're spending your time on Charles and Roel's instead. How right am I?" 

 "Then you're a complete hypocrite!" Roel cried. "What am I trusting you with this for if you can't figure out your own feelings? So, who is it?" 

 For once, Falk seemed to be at a loss for words. But they were soon interrupted by someone saying, "Matthew, I think we need to talk."  

 It was Charles, and it seemed he must have been listening to their conversation.

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