Chapter Seven

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 Matthew knew Charles must have heard him arguing with Falk and Roel, and must have gotten the idea of what the conversation was about. He was probably confused and maybe angry, but he didn't say anything as Matthew followed him to the back of the tour bus.

 "What's going on?" Charles asked him. "I know it has something to do with me." 

 Matthew shrugged. "We were just having a dumb argument." 

 "And that's all it was? Really? You've all been acting like you're hiding something from me for days. I know something's up. If you don't tell me, I'll just find out from someone else."

 "All right." Matthew sighed. "Look, it's Roel, okay? He likes you, as in he has a thing for you. That's what this has all been about?" 

 "Roel...likes me?"

 Matthew was expecting Charles to be shocked or maybe even a little angry by the news. He did look a little surprised, but as his facial expression slowly changed, he looked almost happy to hear it. 

 "Yeah, he does. I don't know why he didn't tell you, but I guess he thought he would get a negative reaction from you. And then, for whatever reason, he told Falk and Attila about it. Oh, and there is definitely something going on between Falk and Attila," Matthew added. 

 "Falk and Attila?" 

 "Yes. So, Falk got in his head that they should try to figure out if you felt the same way about Roel, and Falk asked me to find out. That's why I've seemed kind of weird lately. Look, I'm sorry you've felt like you're being left out of something, and you were absolutely right about that. I should have told you the truth." 

 "Yes, someone should have told me the truth," Charles agreed. "But now that I know, I have to go talk to Roel. There's something really important I need to talk to him about now. Let's go." 

 The stepped out of the bus, and Charles called, "Roel? I need to talk to you about something." 

 "Good luck, however it's gonna go," Matthew whispered. 

 Charles smiled. "Thanks. I have a feeling this will go the way I want it to go." 


 "So, I heard everyone's been up to something lately," Charles began as he and Roel walked slowly together.

 "Uh...yeah. We have, actually." Roel figured there was probably no point in denying that now. "I'm guessing Matthew caught you up on everything?" 

 "He did, but I had to pretty much demand he tell me everything. So, you all had an interesting plot put together, but it sounds like it didn't work out the way you meant it to." 

 "No, I guess it didn't," Roel replied. "Look, I don't know what Matthew told you, but none of it was actually my idea. Falk had this crazy idea, Attila is kind of like his evil accomplice in everything, and then they pulled Matthew into it. It's still kind of my fault, though, and I'm sorry. I feel guilty about all that happening." 

 "Well, I can see that. I cannot believe I'm the one you have a thing for, and you told everyone but me. That's not a great strategy, Roel." 

 Roel couldn't tell if Charles meant that jokingly or if he was being serious. "Yeah, I think I definitely learned that the hard way. I'd say I've learned better now." 

 "I hope so. We just had lunch together earlier," Charles pointed out. "It was just the two of us, and we enjoyed ourselves. If you had told me about your feelings might have made everything better." 

 Roel stopped. "What do you mean?" 

 "Would I have taken you away to be alone if I didn't have anything important to tell you?" Charles smiled. "But if I had known how you felt sooner, maybe I would have just gotten around to telling you about my own sooner. Just think, it could have been me in your position this whole time, except I might have known better than to confide in Falk and Attila and let them come up with something. Seriously, what were you thinking?" 

 Roel smiled back. "Don't worry. I've learned more than one lesson today, and I won't forget them."

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