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movie night.

i always loved spending those late friday nights with you at one of our houses. even if it was pulling out an old dvd from our parents' collections or watching a new release off of netflix, those nights will forever be in my heart.

so one night, as we watched mulan — one of our favorites — i remember finding it strange that you had to throw the soft blankets draped over you onto me and run into the bathroom. i paused the movie so you wouldn't miss it and heard lots of coughing and what sounded like you throwing up. once you got out of the bathroom, i went up to you to make sure you were alright.

"chaejung-ah, are you okay?" i had asked, quite worried.

"i'm just a little sick cheollie," you had answered without any stuttering, making me feel no need to question further. "don't worry about me."

"who will i worry about it i don't worry about you my dear chaejung?" i had joked. you responded with a smile as you gave me a hug.

"you can worry about everyone else," you had whispered, and i smiled before we walked back to the couch to continue watching our favorite movie.

little did i know that rather than just a normal fever, your sickness was completely different.

too late // choi seungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now