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the dreaded sickness that occurs when someone is in one-sided love. flowers grow within them and victims of it go through pain as they are forced to throw up many of these flower petals daily. the only solutions to it is to take out the core of the disease, but it results in your memory of the person to be wiped, or to tell the person you love and have your one-sided love be cured.

as i read, i cried, especially when you told the most important truth.

"my one-sided love was you."

it hit me.

every time i would tease you, call you only my best friend, talk about my love for jeonghan. all of that led up to this moment. your death.

you didn't deserve it. it was all my fault.

i cried in jeonghan and jisoo's arms, realizing everything. i wanted to punch myself, get mad at myself, but there was one question that hadn't been answered that i really wanted to know.

why didn't you tell me? why didn't you let the boys tell me?

that circulated throughout my mind, even throughout the year during my time of grief. although the rest of the boys said it was because you thought i would hate you eternally, i wanted to know more.

so i thought of a cure.

too late // choi seungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now