
50 4 12

Its like my prayers are slowly getting answered,
Oh Lord i'll take your word,
For giving me a sign that i've been waiting for,
I just couldn't wait anymore.

A brown butterfly entered our house,
An answer to my question whys and hows,
Seems like good news is on its way,
I really can't wait for that day.

Each day my dreams get clearer,
Its like I'm chasing my forever,
But in those dreams we are together,
No one can be a bother.

My favorite number is one of the signs,
That i asked from God to give me,
I know how to read between the lines,
And interpret them carefully.

I know that the time is near,
I have nothing left to fear,
My love for you and Him is oh so dear,
I think im about to shed a tear.

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