1. Salt Middle School

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Life is great. People bow down to me, adore me, would go out of their way and risk their lives for me. All because of my powers. I’m special, believe it or not. Soon, the whole world will be kissing my feet.

No one can be as strong as I. If someone talks down to me, or even gives me the slightest bit of sass, they get crippled for weeks. Fear in people’s eyes when they see me puts a smile on my face.

They all love me. Just me. I’m their world, all because of my speed. I could always just lift them up one hundred feet high, and drop them down too.

It can’t get any better than my life. I’ll soon be a celebrity. People do love me after all. Sure, I don’t have anyone at home, but who needs them? Not me. I have everyone else wrapped around my finger.

I do have to change schools though. The school I’m at now is very boring. Sure, people still bow down to me, even the teachers, but it got old. I need a new set of people to do that now.

Stupid people challenge me to fights that I easily win. They’re lucky that I don’t just kill them on the spot. The fights are usually done in a minute, or less. I make sure people remember my name. Fear it, but adore it.

Salt Middle School. Everyone will kiss my feet there. Nothing but a bunch of weaklings there. I’ll make myself known there next. Soon everyone in Seasoning City will know me. Now, I can’t miss my first day there. Let me pull out my uniform, and get some rest.

Those idiots there better get ready for me. I’ll just kick their asses if they talk back to me. Dumbasses, really. Just got to break a couple of bones.

-Next Day Timeskip-

It’s morning time now, I’m just fixing my uniform up a bit. I have to look presentable. The uniforms aren’t that bad here. I’ll just have to deal with it for now.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and went on my way to the school. It wasn’t a long walk, only three seconds. My speed helps me get anywhere, anytime. That wasn’t even my fastest speed.

I walked inside the doors, watching others talk to each other. I rolled my eyes, once they know who I am, they’ll regret ignoring my appearance.

I walked into my classroom, if I’m gonna stay here for a while, which I doubt I will, I’ll have to stay here for next year too.

I’m not exactly the oldest person, but that’s what the funny thing about it is, older people fear me too.

The teacher got up off of his desk and waved for me to come over. Everyone’s attention was on me. Finally, my time to shine a way through this regular looking school.

“Please introduce yourself to the class, (Y/N) (L/N).“ the male teacher smiled. He better not be mocking me.

“I’m (Y/N) (L/N). I’ll make myself known here, make all of you bow-“

I was interrupted by this stupid teacher. “Nice! Please sit next to Kageyama over there, please raise your hand.“

I raised a brow. How dare he cut me off. He’ll pay for that. The boy in the second row raised his hand with a straight face. Is he not intimidated by me?

I sat in the desk beside him, grumbling some things. He looked at me and put his hand out.

“Ritsu Kageyama. If you need help around the school, just ask me.“

I rolled my eyes. I’m not taking his hand. “Yeah. Whatever. I don’t need help around the school, and what’s that red band around your arm there?“

He looked a bit confused at first with my tone. I’m just curious on what that band might be. I never saw that at the other schools.

“Student council.“ He answered shortly. I nodded.

“I want one.“ I announced aloud. The whole class turned to us. I was too loud I guess?

“You can’t just get one, it doesn’t work like that-“

“Hey, teacher. Give me a red band. Now. You’ll regret it if you don’t.“

The whole class gasped at my demand. The teacher put his hands on his hips. “Miss (L/N), you do not speak that way with me-“

I lifted him up with my telekinesis. I smirked.

“What was that? I want it. I’ll get it. Give it to me.“

People started running out of the class, screaming. I threw the teacher out of the window. Told you he’ll regret that.

I quickly made my way outside, crouching near him. He’s crying, overdramatic much? I stepped on his back.

“You shouldn’t hurt people. It’s wrong. It’s not right.“ A soft voice came behind me.

“Shut up. Does it look like I give a damn? No. Exactly. Get away before I hurt you too.“ I looked over at the boy.

He had a black bowl cut. He doesn’t look so worried. Stupid people getting in my way.

Before he knows it, I appear behind him. He jumps a bit. “You’re fast.“ He stated. Well no shit.

I can feel his power. He’s an ESPer too. I kicked in his stomach. He fell down a bit, holding onto his belly.

“Get up and fight me, loser. I can feel your power too. What’s your name?“

“Shigeo.. Kageyama.. Please don’t hurt people, it’s bad..“ He lightly groaned. I stepped on his hand.

“Kageyama, hm? I believe I heard that name somewhere, I’ll think about it later. Fight me now, loser.“ I crushed his hand into the ground even further.

“My master says to not hit girls… it’s bad..“

“Whatever.“ I picked him up off the ground and sent my fist towards his face. He thinks he can tell me what’s bad and not bad. He’ll see.

“Fight me, idiot. Come on, it’s no fun this way, I feel your power, use it.“ I kept egging him on and on.

Well, too bad. I kicked him again.

Time to have fun.

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