7. Amen

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I need to find the church. I heard that church makes you a better a person. I will try it out. I walked down the street, looking around for it.

I stood across people in black robes? What it seems, it looks like they’re right outside of the church.

Maybe they’re the business workers there. I think I get it. I walked inside. There were some people sitting down in the seats. There it is, the cross. It makes you a better person.

I went up to the cross, and shook it. People looked up at me, and gave me small glares and gasps. A man in a black robe walked up to me.

“Excuse me sir, how do I obtain the cross? I need this to become better-“

“It’s not for sale, young lady. Please sit down and pray, there is always room for God in your heart.“

Oh. Maybe I was wrong. I sat down on a seat next to an old woman. She had her hands together with her eyes closed. Let me just do the same thing as her.

I followed her actions, the guy spoke up.

“Today we pray. Pray on what we love and cherish to God. God..-“

I didn’t get what this man was saying. He was speaking about people who I don’t understand. I do know what praying is. But praying to the things I love? What do I love?

I guess I love..my Obama phone… being nicer… Minecraft..oh, and Shrek the movie!

The man came back to me. “I can tell you’re new to this, would you like to share what you love and cherish?“ He asked.

I nodded. “I love and cherish Shrek.“ More people looked at me weirdly.

“Young lady, try praying about what you love about your favorite people, who you want God to keep them safe.“

Oh. Who do I want to keep safe? Mob! And Ritsu! I promised on keeping them safe, it’s my duty too, especially Ritsu. Who else…? Shou. He’s my epic gamer master, and he’s been so nice to me. I probably wouldn’t even try if it wasn’t for his acts of kindness towards me. I owe him a lot too. He also makes me laugh-

“Anyone in your mind, dear?“ The old lady next to me whispered. I nodded.

“Yes. A few. One in particular is a boy named Shou. He has been very caring to me, I hope the man in the sky lets him live longer.“ I smiled.

She sweat dropped, and went back to praying.

“Now open your bibles to page 47.“

-Time Skip to a short 2 hours-

I learned lots about God and apples he dropped to two people. I’m guessing God also made dinosaurs, which is cool. I really hope I get to meet God and get his signature someday. I also got a free chapter book they call the bible, I’ll have to show Shou later.

It’s getting late, I should just hurry back home. I sped to my apartment complex, hurrying inside. I stopped what I was doing to grab a key out of my pocket. I unlocked my foot for it to only be already unlocked?

Is someone in there? I slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. If anyone tries to attack me, I’ll just have to use my psychic powers, it’s no big deal. It’s self defense, right?

I closed the door, hurrying over to my wall. I can hear something. Maybe even a someone. It’s coming from inside my kitchen. I focused, trying to keep calm.

I took out every spirit in this complex so they wouldn’t bother me, and I don’t sense any either. This has to be a someone. An…ESPer.

They have powers too. This changes everything. Now I really have to be on guard. Screw it, I’m attacking them, they shouldn’t be here anyways.

“Whoever is in my kitchen, come out, now. I will demolish your whole existence if you try anything with me-“

I heard footsteps. I grabbed my couch pillow, and chucked it at my potential kidnapper.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Ow! It’s just me-“

“SHOU?! What are you doing here? This is my house. How do you even know where I live, why didn’t you call me, why are you here-“

He yawned, getting comfortable on my couch. “Too many questions, so little time.“

I threw the pillow at his head. “I’m being serious, Shou. This is not a joke. I could have hurt you, how are you even here?“

“Okay, okay. Let me explain. One, I have psychic abilities, it’s not hard to get into someone’s apartment. Two, it’s called tracking. Very easy might I add. Three, I tried calling you, you didn’t pick up, and four… just because.“

Just because? So he doesn’t have a reason to be here?

“Shou, you can’t just barge in here-“

“I know, I can go, it’s just that I have no where else to go at the moment since my mom is in a different country-“
What? “Shou, don’t you have a place? Your room? Your bed is comfortable, did it break?“

He shook his head, putting his hand over his face. “It’s my dumb dad. We had a fight, and I don’t want to see him, or be in the same place as him, you were the only one I could think of to let me stay, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can just go.“ He got up off the couch, patting my shoulder.

I took his arm before he could vanish away. “You can stay here. I do owe you, and I don’t mind. Sorry for my rudeness, I was just a bit frightened.“ I smiled. He returned the smile, nodding his head ever so slightly.

“Thank yo-“
I put my hand over his mouth. “No need for a thank you. Did you eat anything?“

“No, but I don’t need anything-“


“I’m not just going to not act like I haven’t heard you in my fridge, I’ll make you something.“

He kept trying to refuse, telling me there was no need for that, but he can’t just not eat.

I’ll just have to take care of him. Like the priest said in church, amen. Shou is a boy..boys will be men, one men means man. Shou is like amen.

Time to cook.

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