2. Sans Skeleton

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Time to have fun.

I grabbed his collar, smashing his face down into the ground over and over again.

“Come on, fight me. Now. Don’t be a wimp.“

I stomped on his back, grinding my feet against his spine. Is he that weak? Pathetic. I’ll make him fight me.

“You’re really not going to fight me because of my gender? Please. I’m fighting you, and you’re a boy. It doesn’t matter. WHY DON’T YOU GIVE ME YOUR ALL?!” I screamed, throwing him back many feet.

“Please… I don’t want to hurt you..“ He cries. Is he really this weak? I don’t believe it.

An idea popped in my head. “Kageyama is your name, yeah?“ I asked. He nodded slightly on the ground.


That boy in my class. Ritsu Kageyama. He must be somewhat important to this bowl head over here.

“So you have a brother?“ I asked. He stayed silent. I left in a flash, and looked for his brother. I spot him moving ever so slightly in the hallway. I grabbed his arm, and pulled him with me in a second.

“This is your brother?“ I met back up this weakling.

“What are you doing with him?!“ He rises up. This Ritsu boy looks a bit scared.


I ran as fast as I could with him, bringing him and myself on top of the school. I held onto him, keeping him at the edge of the building.


“If you say so-“ before I could drop him, a fist landed straight to my face. It made me step back a bit. Shit, my nose is bleeding.

“Finally, the real fun begi-“

Another blow to my face. “He has nothing to do with this. Let him go, now.“

His hair went up. What the hell? I sped towards him, to get knocked in the stomach. Before I could even react to the next move, I was sent up in the sky, flying far, far away.


This can’t be possible…

I was beaten in seconds…

No… am I… not good enough…?

Maybe.. I was wrong.

I landed in a bush. It didn’t exactly break my fall, but it helped a bit.

I’m still confused? What just happened? I lost. I wasn’t fast enough. He… was faster than me…

A couple of people gave me weird looks walking by. I just laid there, emotionless.

“Hey, are you good? I saw that whole falling thing, you sure did fall quite high. Need help?“ A boy asked me.

He was a ginger, with a green varsity jacket. His eyes were the only thing I can focus on at the moment. I did get crushed. He’s helping me though?

“I’m fine… just a small fall.“ I rubbed my head.

“PFFT! Small? You were yards up in the air, you were like a rocket ship! You also almost hit that old smelly lad-“

“Ah. Okay. I’m fine though. T..thank you…? For the offer.“ I got out of the bush, brushing myself off.

“No need for the thank you, it’s all good. How did you even fly that far?“ He asked, with a chill look on his face.

“I picked the wrong fight. Someone better than me, I guess. It’s weird saying that, but… nevermind, I don’t even know you.“ I started walking away.

“You’re an ESPer like me, right? I can sense you from here, could you sense me too?“ The ginger asked me, catching up to me. I shook my head.

“I just crashed all the way here from Salt Middle School. I don’t think my senses are working well.“

“Your cheek is bleeding too, they got you good, huh?“ He chuckled.

“That’s really none of your concern, but yes, I regret doing what I did. I should have never gotten so cocky.“ I looked down at the ground.

It’s my fault. I’m messed up. I was going to kill his brother just because he wouldn’t fight me. I’m crazy. I don’t want to be like this anymore.

“Here, stay still a bit.“ He stood in front of me, stopping me from walking. He pulled out… a Dora bandaid…? And put his hand on my cheek.

He covered up one of my scratches with it. I gave him an odd look. “It’s a bit embarrassing to keep this on my face. It is a baby show.“

He laughed. “I bought it for jokes, but you need it more right now.“

“I don’t think bandaids heal you like that-“

“Are you saying all of my Minecraft knowledge is wrong? I’m offended. Disturbed. Disgusted.“ He gasped.

My eyes widened a bit. I don’t want to be mean to anyone else. “I don’t know what a Minicrafter is, but I’m sorry for making you feel that way.“ I bowed.

He froze for a second, then broke the silence with lots of laughter. “MINICRAFTER?! I WAS JUST JOKING!“ His face was getting a bit red from laughing too hard.

“Is that not what you said?“ I raised a brow.

“It’s Minecraft, do you live under a rock?“

“No. I live in an apartment-“

I stopped myself from walking, making him stop too. “Hey, you okay?“ He asked a bit seriously.

“Yes. Just my head hurts a tiny bit.“

“Hm. Take my hand, I got some medicine in my room.“

His room? What the hell?! I just said my head hurt! I don’t even know who he is!

“I don’t even know your name.“

“I don’t know yours either.“

“Okay. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you…?“

He smiled. “Sans Skeleton.“

I nodded. “Thank you for your kindness, Sans Skeleton.“

He bursts out laughing again, holding his stomach. “Do you not know what a meme is?“ He asked inbetween laughs.

“No. Not really. Me me's aren’t in my knowledge.“


“Is that an insult? I didn’t mean to make you angry, sorry.“

“I’m not angry, I’m the opposite at the moment“ he finished laughing, wiping his tears a bit. Oh.

“Shou Suzuki, you seem pretty cool, so I’ll allow you in my room, just take my hand and we’ll be there in a second.“ He grinned.

My head does hurt. It would be stupid to not accept the medicine. “Alright, Suzuki.“

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