5. New Me

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Today is my next day at Salt Middle School, I’m trying to reread my lines that Ritsu texted me on my Obama phone. It’s about my fake evil twin sister. I don’t really have one though, it’s just lying to them.

I waited at the school doors, getting nervous. What if people know I’m lying? Will they hate me even more..? I did mess up a whole lot. I just don’t want to be the kid everyone fears to talk to anymore.

I stepped inside of the school, taking in a couple of deep breaths. Mob informed me that he fixed the teacher's bones. I’m glad he isn’t in the hospital because of me. I just have to apologize… for evil twin sister…Petunia..?

As I walked down the hallways, people stared, some talking bad about me, some scared, and some just moving far away from me. I put my head down. Damn it. This isn’t going to work, I should just stop and never come back here-

My phone buzzed in my bag. Who is calling me at this time? It’s school hours. I looked at the caller ID, it’s Shou. I don’t want to answer it right now, but I haven’t talked to him ever since the dragon thing.

“Hello? Shou?“

“Hey (Y/N), you know what the formula for a-“

“Shou. I am at school, you can’t call me. I’ll get in more trouble. I have to-“

“Wait, before you go, sorry. I heard what your friend said in the back when we were talking yesterday. I don’t care if you don’t like my sorry, but take it, I didn’t want to make you cry. That wasn’t epic gamer of me.“

Oh. I guess I will take this apology.

“It is alright. I understood that it was just a ‘prank‘ afterwards. Sorry for not laughing, I don’t really get jokes like those-“

“DON’T SAY SORRY TO ME WHEN I’M SAYING SORRY TO YOU! NOW GET TO CLASS…AND HAVE FUN? It’ll do you no good if you don’t go to school.“ He screamed in my ear.

“Yes. I will, but aren’t you in school too?“

“Home schooled for now, cool right?“ He chuckled. It’s like I could see his smile through the phone.

“Maybe for you. I like the whole school experience though, now I must go to do something, bye Shou.“


Oh no. I accidentally hung up on him before he got done talking. I will have to apologize for that later.

I walked inside the office for the school. “Hel- Hey you’re expelled here-“

I bowed. “That was my evil twin sister, Petunia. She is very evil, and has very strong powers. She is gone now, I am sorry for her… evil doings. I took her down..myself. Yes. Please let me stay here.“

The office teachers and my teacher stood there. “Your evil sister must be hard to deal with, you can talk to our guidance counselor if you need to about her, we understand, now go to your classroom.“


-Time Skip-

The school day went by quickly, Ritsu showed me around the school, giving me the rules of everything. I really appreciate him doing this for me since I did try to kill him. That’s not the case anymore though.

“So that’s all you need to know, questions about anything?“ He asked with a small smile. I shook my head.

“I got everything, thank you Ritsu.“ I bowed to him. He jumped a bit. I stood up quickly noticing his actions.

“What’s wrong-“

“I forgot something, stay here real quick.“ He said running off to a classroom. Oh. Alright.

As I waited for him patiently, I felt my hair being pulled back softly. I spun around, getting ready to attack. No one was there?

“Whoever is messing with me, I suggest you stop-“

I felt a tap on my shoulder, making jump with a slight scream.


I stood against the wall, holding onto my chest still a bit scared. “Shou?! What are you even doing here? How did you know the school I was at? Did you lie-“

He put his finger over my mouth. “Nah, it’s just easy to track phones, not to be a creep, I just wanted to surprise you somewhere, since we’re kinda friends now, right?“

I nodded, standing up straight again. “Yes, of course, but my friend is a part of student council and if he sees you here-“

“Pfft, I’m not scared of no school rules, if he has a problem he can deal with it-“

“Shou, please. I don’t want him involved with other ESPers for his safety. He’ll be back here any second.“

He frowned for a moment, replacing it with a small smile, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I get it, wanna come by my room again later though? I have things we can do.“

I gave him a small thumbs up. “Yes, I’ll come by later, you can teach me what an Enderdragon is.“ I smiled lightly.

His eyes lit up, taking his hands out of his pockets, clapping them together. “YEAH! I’LL SHOW YOU EVERY-“

“(Y/N), are you still there waiting?“ I panicked a little, hearing Ritsu's voice. I looked back, seeing as Shou already disappeared.

I turned back to Ritsu, seeing him have his hands behind his back. “Where did you go?“

He ignored my question, smiling again. “Well yesterday you said you wanted one of these bands because you liked the color. I snuck one of them out and placed it somewhere else so other student council members didn’t know.“

He handed me a red student council band. I gave him a surprised look. “Ritsu..I don’t-“

“You can’t wear it here, but you can keep it at home with you.“

I shook my head with a frown. “Ritsu. I broke a teacher’s bones, and almost killed you over this. I don’t want it.“

He gave me a serious look. “(Y/N), think of it as a gift from me to you then. You are “protecting” me after all.“ I sighed, slipping it into my bag.

“Alright, thank you Ritsu. You’ve really been nice to me throughout all of this.“

He nodded, walking away, “It’s no big deal, come on before the doors get locked.“ I quickly followed him behind.

Thank you, Ritsu. Now I must learn what an Enderdragon is.

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