6. Being an Epic Gamer

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I hurried over to my place, getting ready to go to Shou's room. As bad as it sounds, for you dirty minded foes, he’s just teaching me about Minkercraft, and how to be an epic gamer.

Mob had the day off, so I didn’t need to stay with Ritsu. I did put the red band he gave me up on my wall. I put on my normal attire, leaving my apartment.

It’s easy to remember what building he’s in, it’s almost the tallest in the city. I sped through people, hopping over cars. I used to not care about watching how slow everything is, and just stole things from people, but now that I look at everything, it’s some sight.

There’s a lot going on, it’s sad how people’s lives can just go in seconds, I watched as a little girl was in the middle of the road, bending to get something while a taxi was a little too close to her. Let me just move her real quick.

I picked up her frozen body, moving her and her stuffed dog onto the sidewalk. Perfect. Now to the building.

I sped up the walls, Shou told me he was the 70th window. I counted as I went up, getting there, pushing myself onto the window. I stopped moving so quickly, and knocked on the window, getting scared I might actually fall down.

I could see him turn to the window with a smile on his face, he jogs over to his window, unlocking it. I quickly jumped inside, landing onto his floor.


“Maybe I should have left the window open, I’ll do that next time.“ He said, rubbing his neck. I agreed. I don’t want to fall off something so high.

I got up off his floor, getting close to his face. His cheeks got a bit brighter. I bowed. “Please teach me your ways of being an… “epic gamer” and maybe teach me what this so-called Enderdragon is, Shou.“

“YA DON’T GOTTA DO ALL OF THAT! HERE, JUST COME!“ He said, grabbing my arm, taking me to his beanbag.

I sat on it as he pulled out his laptop, and a small crate. “Alright, I got you a Minecraft account, now before you do that, you gotta learn the basics.“

“Wait you didn’t need to buy me it-“

“It’s cool, I just took my dad’s credit card, you’re fine.“ He spoke, taking out a picture of a green monster. Wait, I know him!

“That’s Shrek! Am I doing good?“

He raised a brow. “How did you know about Shrek and not Minecraft? Please don’t tell me-“

“I have the movie actually. It is quite funny, and it teaches a nice lesson at the end of all of it. I like the Gingerbread man, I was saddened when-“


I shook my head at his sudden burst. “No. There are more? I will have to check that out on my free time.“

“We could watch them together if you want, since I am your epic gamer master after all.“ He crosses his arms and grins.

“Maybe. Epic gamer master Shou, why did you give me the laptop?“ I pointed to the laptop, he ran behind the beanbag, leaning close to me, clicking a block.

“Okay, so this is what Minecraft is, so what you do is..“

-Time Skip to an Hour-

“(Y/N)! WATCH OUT FOR THE CREEPER! IT’LL BLOW UP YOUR HOUSE!“ Shou screamed across his room.

It’s been an hour, I was on Shou's bed with his laptop, and he was on his desk with his Computer. Somehow I see him in the same screen as me. I barely even know how to move, but I do have a dog. Shou named him Smashmouth Jr, I don’t know why that name instead of Spot, but since he’s the epic one, I’ll go with his decisions.

“Shou…how does a creeper look like ag-“

Before I knew it, I was blasted back, it caused me to jump a little. Wait. What happened.

“Hey, (Y/N), where’s Smashmouth Jr?“ He asked me, looking inside of my giant dirt hole I made.

“He was with me, I just flew back a little, he should be next to the hole.“ I told him.

He froze, having a serious aura around him. “(Y/N). Did you look out for that creeper?“ He asked in a very stern voice.

“No, I didn’t see it, I just flew away-“

“IT BLEW UP SMASHMOUTH JR!” He screamed. I gasped, looking all around. What?!

“HE’S GONE- guess we gotta make Smashmouth senior-“

Tears fell out of my eyes. He’s gone. He followed me everywhere. It’s not right…

He looked back at me. “(Y/N), don’t cry it’s ok-“

“Shou… it’s not fair… because of me, I wasn’t there to save him… if only I listened to you.. I-I.. I don’t think I can do this anymore..“ Tears spilled out of my eyes.

He hurried over the bed, wiping my tears off. He tried to get me to stop, but my body wouldn’t stop. I kept my head down.

“Hey, c’mon, he’s now in a better place-“

“No. He could be living if it weren’t for me.. I’m not an epic gamer..“

He pat my head, quickly smiling to himself. “Hey, Smashmouth Jr isn’t dead, (Y/N), I can get him back, hold on.“ He stuffed his hand under his bed. He pulled out a small stuffed version of Smashmouth Jr.

He put his hand over his mouth, putting the dog in front of my face.

“Bark bark I am Smashmouth Jr, I am not dead bark (Y/N) I just logged out of the game bark bark, I will see you next time woof woof woof, you are best dog mom bark, now I have to sleep, bark bark.“

I smiled. “I’m glad you’re alive, Smashmouth Jr, please don’t scare us like that again.“ I pet his head. He was thrown against the wall.

“See? He’s A-okay!“ Shou sat next to me. I closed the laptop, sitting up now.

“Shou, this was a very confusing experience, but it was…fun. Am I now an epic gamer like you?“

He hugged his pillow. “Not even close, but you’re making progress, right? And it was fun, really fun- we can do it again if you’d like?“

I smiled. “Yes! I want to know what this Roblox is you speak about!“

He smirked. “As long as you’re my special Roblox friend girl.“

“I will be your friend girl, and a dog mom again.“

He nodded and laughed, leaning back. “But we could do other things too… like go out to eat..?“ He finger-gunned awkwardly.

“We could. I will pay-“

“We’ll decide who pays when the day comes, now, what should we do next-“

An alarm interrupted him from my Obama phone. It’s a reminder about my meeting.

“Shou, I must go, I have to be somewhere important, it could possibly change me for the better.“ I put my phone back into my bag, bowing to him.

He waved. “Just don’t change too much, will ya? You’re already..cool?“ I am cool? I’ve heard that before, but that was when I was a psychopath monster.

“Thank you. You’re very nice, Shou. You have been so nice to me, I really appreciate your kindness.“ I lightly smiled.

He looked at me for a while, nodding, digging his face inside of his pillow. I’m not sure what exactly Shou is doing, but hopefully he doesn’t die from that.

I cracked his window, and went down the building.

Church, here I come.

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