8. Messy Ramen

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I went to counter, grabbing a pot out. I don’t really know how to cook big meals, just ramen and the basic stuff. I usually just eat out places.

Shou sat down at my small kitchen table, he kept speaking, telling me I didn’t need to do anything for him. I’m just going to ignore that because I heard his stomach rumble.

“Shou, do you like ramen? That’s the only thing I really know how to cook-“

“(Y/N), I’m fine, really. All I need is to rest my eyes, then I’ll be out of your hair in no time-“

I shot him a serious look with cold eyes. He sweat a bit. “Shou. I’m making you something. Now. Do you like ramen, or no?“ I asked him.

“…ramen is good.“ He muttered. I gave him a small smile. That wasn’t so hard now, was it? Though, I’m not really good at cooking the best ramen either, I always find some way to mess it up.

I’ll just have to try my hardest! I put some water in the pot, leaving it on the heating stove. I got the ramen pack out, dumping it inside the pot. I think that will do.

“It’ll be done soon, Shou. You can make yourself at home, do you have something to wear?“ I asked him.

“I’m just going to wear this, I’ll only be here for the night-“

“Alright. As long as you’re comfortable. You can take my bed too, I’ll take the couch.“

He perked his head up all the way. “No way! I’m taking the couch, you can sleep on YOUR bed. I don’t want you to do all of this for me, really. You don’t need to.“

I shook my head. “Shou, if we switched the roles, would you let me sleep on your bed?“

Silence. It looked like he was trying to find something to say, but lost it. Exactly. No answer.

With that going on, I forgot about the ramen. The water began to pour out of the pot somehow? HOW?!

I ran over to the bubbling pot, grabbing a spoon out. I scooped the water, and put it in the sink quickly. Shou got up too. “That’s not what you do-“

“SHOU, I’M SORRY!“ I kept taking the water out. The water hit my arm, leaving me jump up from the sting. “Ouch.“

He looked over to me as I grabbed my arm. I can’t cook for anything. I went to grab an ice pack, but Shou stopped me. “(Y/N), stop moving. The ice pack will make the burn worse, just sit down, please?” He gave me a worried look. I nodded softly, sitting down at the table.

He grabbed a rag, and damped it in water. He came back over to me, carefully bringing my arm towards him.

“You gotta be more careful around the stove, idiot. Tell me if this stings.“ He put the rag around my arm, slowly.

“It hurts a bit, but I can manage.“ I sighed.

I didn’t acknowledge the tiny tears in my eyes. He held my cheek, and wiped them off with his finger. “Stupid, please don’t do that again, alright? I’m sorry if this hurts too much, you can cry if you want.“ He told me.

I’m not crying from the pain.

“It’s not the pain, it’s just that I thought I knew how to cook properly, I even wasted my time to read about how to cook ramen right-“

He put his finger over my mouth. “Hush about me, I’ll eat that ramen even if it tastes like burnt throw up, just for you? Okay?“ He smiled, getting a bowl out, pouring the noodles inside of the bowl.

He took out a fork, yes a fork. Why a fork..? And started eating them at the table with a straight face.

“Please don’t force them down your throat, it’s fine, I can just get you something else-“

He shook his head. “They…taste..delightful..“ He lied, putting another fork full in his mouth. I couldn’t help but laugh a tiny bit.

He stopped eating, and looked at me.

“Don’t laugh! You’re the one who made the damn noodles!“ He yelled, getting a tad bit embarrassed.

I put my hand to my mouth, trying to contain my laughter. “It’s just that..pfft.. I know they taste like trash, but you’re eating them with that grin…” I spoke inbetween laughs.

“Be quiet! It’s just how I…eat! If you can’t cook, you better find a husband who can cook for you!“ He stuffed more noodles in his mouth.

I smiled. “Yeah. They can’t be too hard to find, maybe they’ll teach me how to make ramen right-“

He made a “hmmph” noise, crossing his arms. “I can just teach you how to make it, it’s not that hard.“ He muttered.

Ah. I see. “Then you can be my Minecraft husband.“ I smiled. His face grew dark red. He hid his face in his arms, putting his head down.

“Don’t say things like that…-! WAIT! THAT WAS A GAMER REFERENCE, YOU DID IT!“
I cheered as he put his head back up. “I looked it up and heard it was funny, I’m glad you knew.“

  He smiled, drinking the broth. “Minecraft wife/dog mom, that was some horrific ramen, but thank you for feeding me that gamer food.“ He started to wash his dish.

“Anytime, Minecraft husband Shou, but please, teach me how to make ramen right next time.“ I scratched my neck, defeated.

He nodded. “Yeah.., it can’t be that hard to teach, right?“ He smiled. Hopefully not.

“Alright, now you can take the bed, I’ll take the couch, goodnight Sh-“

“Nope, no way. Take your bed, (Y/N).“

Why can’t he just take it? I tried pulling him to my room, but he wouldn’t budge.

He smirked. “First one to the couch gets it.“

He started to do that weird dissolving thing. He calls me the idiot. I hurried over to the couch, sitting patiently. I’m just too fast for this.

I felt hands come around me. Wait. I’m not sitting on the couch? I could feel his breath behind me. HOLY SHIT!

He chuckled lowly. “(Y/N), why are you sitting on my lap?~ That won’t make me change my mind-“

I slapped him across the head, getting up. “Shou, don’t do that again! It scared me, and I don’t get it, I didn’t see you there-“

“It’s called invisibility, wifey. Now go to bed.“ He laid himself down on my couch. I rolled my eyes, whispering a goodnight. He said it back, still leaving me dumbfounded.

I hope he doesn’t have trouble sleeping. I got into my bed, getting under the covers.

Sleep tight, Shou.

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