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"In or out, sweetheart?" the conductor says to Caitlin with a nod. His voice is laced with patience and sympathy as he notes the teenage girl's internal struggle.

She has been standing in the rain for approximately five minutes; attempting to will herself onto the crowded vehicle. Felicity waits for her with a hand on the seat she had reserved when she first came on board. The rain comes down in such great volume that it is hard for Caitlin to distinguish the difference between the drops from the sky and the fountain of tears she has been crying for the past week.

The 17 year old brunette closes her chocolate brown eyes for the briefest of moments to absorb the comforting whispers of nature. She can't help but think of how painfully appropriate this evening's weather is for the day that is quickly approaching. Her heart aches as she is reminded of how much he loved the rain and how it calmed him. But most importantly, how he always managed to turn an otherwise gloomy day into the best day of her life.

"In" Caitlin answers finally as she slowly finds the strength to board the train for the first time since the night her world turned upside down.

She fiddles with the five dollar ring that sits on the third finger of her left hand as she silently takes her place beside Felicity. To the outside world that ring is cheap and worthless. If she were to lose it, it could be easily replaced. But then again, they don't know the promise that was made with that ring; the priceless memories behind it. As she bites on her lower lip while tearfully admiring the ring, it is abundantly clear that she is not ready to say goodbye.

Knowing that she and Felicity have quite the journey ahead of them, Caitlin closes her eyes as the train begins its departure. The world around her goes pitch black for only a second, until she is taken back to the day it all began.

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