Chapter Ten

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The train has reached its destination and still, Caitlin and Felicity have barely spoken a word to each other. As their sorrowful eyes meet with a simultaneous nod, they agree there are no words they can say to make the situation better. But they know they will get through it together.

Caitlin's hands grow cold and her teeth begin to chatter as she attempts to open her umbrella. The handle slips from her palms as they fill with sweat. Guilt floods her heart as the toll of the church bell thrusts against it. In that moment, she sees Henry and Nora walking by, arm in arm. They make their way to the front row. Henry holds Luna's leash with a free hand.

"I can't do this. I shouldn't be here" Caitlin whispers to herself as she looks over the row of seats, contemplating the quickest way out of there.

The crowd is filled with those closest to the Allen family. What would they say if they knew the truth behind Barry's death? She figures if she wasn't there, no one would ever find out. But she is quick to remind herself that she needs to be there. She didn't conquer her fear of the train for nothing. Plus, he would know if she wasn't there.

"Come on, Caitlin. They're about to start" Felicity says in a hurried whisper.

"Coming" Caitlin answers as she begins to follow the blonde's lead. However, the brunette makes a slight detour to the very back row; thinking she is completely hidden in this sea of people in black clothing.

The minister, a tall black man with kind eyes, clears his throat and steps up to the podium. Caitlin recalls his name to be John Diggle; the same man who came to read Barry's last rites. His strong, compassionate voice was compelling enough to make her believe that things happened for a reason. But as of this moment in her mind, the reason for such an unfortunate event remains unclear.

"Friends, family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Bartholomew Henry Allen. His time here on Earth may have been short, but he knew how to live life to the fullest. I look around this room and see many of the lives Barry impacted".

The minister speaks as if he had gotten to know Barry well before he passed. What script is he reading from? Caitlin wonders. She is tempted to stand up amidst the crowd and tell them the truth. Her truth of how amazing he was; how the fingerprint of time he left on her soul will never fade. She summons every ounce of strength within her, willing herself to take one step forward. But her feet are nailed to the ground; which will soon hold Barry in its earthly embrace. Instead, she closes her eyes and absorbs the minister's thoughts regarding Barry; which brings her back to their last night together.


Caitlin began senior year with a brave face and her head held down. There wasn't a single soul in the building- or in town, who had not been informed of Barry's condition. She and Felicity did their best to ignore some of the sneers and snide remarks that were made about Barry in the hallway. The jocks were betting on how long it would take before Barry died. The popular girls started a rumor that he had knocked someone up and gotten himself shot on purpose to avoid responsibility. The teachers insisted she take things easy for the first couple of weeks, but Caitlin was not in the mood to be treated with kid gloves. Much like her mother, she buried herself in her studies; which kept her sane, along with the anticipation of her letter from STAR Labs.

Her anxious mind was somewhat at ease knowing that Oliver Queen was sentenced to 5 years in Iron Heights Prison for piercing Barry's innocent heart with the arrow.

Weeks turned into months, at the end of which Nora Allen would send Caitlin an update on Barry's condition. Most of the time, it was more or less the same. Barry's condition did not change, but the medical team at Central City General Hospital were doing the best that they could to save him; from acupuncture to prayer. But Caitlin wasn't sure she knew what to believe at this point.

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