Chapter Seven

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"It's going to be fine, Cait. Besides, at the end of the day only you can decide your future" Barry said.

"Are you sure? Because as much as I want to do this, I can't help but think she'd disown me if she knew" Caitlin fretted, running a hand through her soft waves of light brown hair.

She had been pacing the perimeter of her bedroom while on the phone with Barry for nearly an hour, thinking today was the day to tell her mother about her dream to attend Central City University. But not to become a doctor. Since starting a part time job at a local daycare last summer, Caitlin considered becoming a teacher. She was comfortable with kids and the ones that were old enough to speak raved about her to their parents. She thought she'd start with preschool and possibly work her way up.

"She's going to find out eventually. You can do this, Cait. I believe in you" Barry responded.

"Thanks" she replied. Caitlin's heart jumped as Carla unexpectedly entered the room with the brochures to Starling City's medical studies that Caitlin had left in the recycling bin.

Here goes nothing, Caitlin thought as she momentarily balled her hands into fits and drew in a deep breath.

"Caity, what are these doing in the trash? I thought we talked about you staying here and following in the family's footsteps" Carla said, taking a seat on the edge of Caitlin's mattress.

"About that..." Caitlin began, her eyes shifting from left to right in uncertainty. She hadn't realized how tight her fists had become until she released them to find that her fingernails had left marks on her palms. "I've actually thought a lot about my focus for next year and I think I want to go into teaching, just like dad".

"Oh, that's okay. You can teach chemistry or biology" Carla replied with a shrug.

Caitlin's heart pounded in her chest as she prepared to unveil the rest of her news. Keeping Barry's words in mind, she felt that there was no use in delaying it any further.

"But I want to study in Central City" the young brunette revealed, biting down on her lower lip as she sensed her mother's oncoming disapproval. "I know there's no guarantee that I'll be accepted, but I've chosen CCU as one of my top three schools to apply to".

In the two minutes that it took Carla to respond, Caitlin felt that no formation of words could speak greater volumes than her mother's silence. Deep down, she held onto the slightest bit of hope that Carla's disapproval was all in her head, that she would be sad to see her little girl grow up but ultimately turn out to be supportive.

Carla finally spoke, "I can't let you do it, honey".

"Why not?" Caitlin asked, even though she was pretty certain she knew why.

"Because it wouldn't be for the right reasons. I mean, why Central City of all places? You could study teaching anywhere. If this is all just so you can be with that boy, you've got to reexamine your priorities. You walk around with that fake ring as if he's promised you a life of stability and security. Believe me, teenage boys only make promises they can't keep" Carla said firmly, facing her daughter with her shoulders back and arms folded across her chest.

"Barry, mother. His name is Barry" Caitlin replied.

"I know that" Carla responded as calmly as she could.

"Really? You could have fooled me. You keep calling him 'that boy' as if you have no idea who he is. In fact, do you even have any idea who I am?" Caitlin challenged. In the time that Barry and Caitlin had been together, Carla had only ever addressed Barry by name once, and that was when they met.

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