Chapter Three

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After their eventful night at the drive-in, it was safe to say that  Barry and Caitlin were inseparable. For the remainder of his stay in Starling City, they found new places to explore or simply enjoy each other's company, such as: the library, Caitlin's favourite bookshop or just staying in to watch Grease on DVD. When Felicity tagged along, they stole glances at one another and held hands under the table, so as not to flaunt their new love.

"Go ahead, you have nothing to hide. I love seeing my masterpiece flourish" Felicity smirked as she proudly dusted off her shoulders.

Between all the laughs and stories, the thought that Barry would have to eventually return home did not occur to them until later on that final night.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Caitlin pleaded as she spoke to Barry on the phone whilst sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I'm afraid so. My parents are going to get kind of suspicious other wise" Barry responded as he paced the perimeter of Felicity's guest bedroom. He had been in the middle of packing his things when he jumped at the chance to answer her call.

"What time does your train leave?" Caitlin asked.

"Midnight tonight. I don't suppose you'd want to see me off, would you?" Barry asked.

"What kind of question is that? Bartholomew Henry Allen, I thought you knew me better than that" Caitlin teased.

"Wow" Barry laughed. His heart leapt at the sound of her using his full name.

He was quick to add the fact that they'd only had one week together. He needed more than just a crash course in the girl he was seeing. Simultaneously, from different ends of the neighbourhood, Barry and Caitlin checked the time. They only had three hours left before the best part of their summer was officially over.

"Here's a crazy thought. Come over and help me pack?" Barry suggested with a shrug as he arrived at the window and watched Caitlin make her way across the room to hers.

"I'll be right over" Caitlin said in an eager whisper.


The guest room was littered with Barry's belongings. The floor was but a sea of his clothing; which still needed to be organized. At this point, it was hard to tell the difference between those that had been worn and the ones that were still fresh. Scattered atop the double mattress were things such as: Barry's headphones, his laptop, a selection of composition notebooks and a well loved paperback edition of To Kill a Mockingbird.

With a decisive nod, Caitlin sat on the floor and began to tackle Barry's wardrobe first. Before meeting Barry in the guest room, she took the liberty of creating simple signs to distinguish the clothing piles; one marked CLEAN and the other marked LAUNDRY. Noticing this, Barry was quick to take his attention away from organizing his writing tools.

One by one, the pair went through Barry's clothing and recalled when he had worn what. As they did so, a light breeze picked up and a single photograph fell from the edge of the guest bed and into Caitlin's lap.

"Aww, this is such a cute picture of you and Luna" Caitlin squealed as she studied the photographer of Barry on the floor of his living room, cuddling with a majestic Siberian Husky.

Barry was touched that Caitlin remembered his dog's name.

"Yeah. That was taken a few weeks after we got her. She was so nervous. She ran from my dad and hid under the table. The only person she ever took to right away was me" Barry recalled fondly.

"You must be excited to get back to her" Caitlin remarked as she handed the photo back.

"Yeah. She's the best. She's the only girl in my life who has ever really stuck around and showered me with love" Barry sighed. "Oh, you can keep that, by the way. I've got a duplicate at home".

"Well, she's got herself some competition" Caitlin smirked as she kissed Barry's cheek and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You can meet her when you come to Central City. Maybe we'll go for a walk in the park or something, get coffee from Jitters" Barry suggested as he wrapped an arm around Caitlin.

"I'd love that" she smiled.

Remaining in that position, it occurred to the pair of teenagers that their time together was quickly coming to a close. Simultaneously, they exhaled with deep sorrow and then shared a longing glance. Without the need for words, Barry could see in Caitlin's chocolate brown eyes how much she wanted him to stay. He couldn't bear to tell her (again) why he needed to go home, because frankly, it didn't sound like a good enough reason. Instead, they opted to end this chapter in their lives in the only way that made any sense. They each closed their eyes and began to softly sing:

Summer loving had me a blast

Summer loving happened so fast

I met a girl crazy for me

Met a boy cute as can be

Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights

Half an hour later, Barry and Caitlin were at the train station preparing to say only the beginning of their hardest goodbyes. Neither of them could bear to let go of the other's hand for the remainder of the night. With a free hand, Caitlin managed to wipe the tears that threatened to fall from the corner of her eye.

"Our story's not over, Cait. It's your turn to come to Central City, remember?" Barry said, awarding her an assuring smile.

A small smile crept upon Caitlin's face as her bloodshot, overtired eyes met his. Meanwhile, Felicity stood behind them; patiently waiting her turn.

"And if you ever need me, you can always email or call. I'll be sure to answer in a flash" Barry added as he leaned forward for a quick kiss.

"Remember me? Cupid?" Felicity said as she made her way toward Barry with open arms once he and Caitlin had broken apart.
When he let go of Caitlin's hand, she immediately felt a wave of emptiness wash over her.

"Thanks for the gift" Barry replied over the blonde's shoulder.

"You're very welcome. Thank you for the cookies. You really don't think Jitters is going to give up the recipe, huh?" Felicity asked; the eagerness evident in the ways her eyes lit up with a beacon of hope.

"Not a chance" Barry chuckled.

"Well a girl can dream" Felicity sighed. "See you in Central City, Flash".

"Alright. But in the mean time, try not to spill your coffee on anyone else, Flick" Barry replied, grinning as they exchanged the nicknames they had given each other when they first met. Flick for how quickly the coffee seemed to spill and Flash; seeing how fast Barry could type when he was really passionate about a subject.

"I miss him already" Caitlin sighed, watching him board the train; unaware that she had done so out loud as she and Felicity took their places in the back of Donna's VW Bug.

"You know, he's probably writing about you right now" Felicity replied.

Little did they know that Felicity was right.
As Barry took his seat on the train, he brought out his laptop and began typing the beginning to a story he was sure would touch the hearts of many.

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