Chapter Four

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The minute Barry stepped off the train platform, the smile on his face widened as he was greeted by his mother and Luna. Despite the restriction from Nora's grip on her leash, the five year old Siberian Husky still attempted to jump into Barry's arm as she stood on her hindlegs.

"Someone obviously missed you. Me? Not so much" the redhead teased as she wrapped a free arm around her son. "How was Starling City?"

"It was really beautiful. It was just the right setting for my next project" Barry answered, his heart raced as he thought of Caitlin.

"Did Felicity have a good birthday?" Nora asked as she prompted Luna into the back of the car. Nora and Barry then took their places in the front.

"Oh yeah. Felicity was great and she loved the cookies from Jitters" Barry responded as he shut the passenger door on his way in.

Barry stared dreamily out the window during the entire ride home; wondering how Caitlin was doing. Even though they had only been apart for a day, he already felt as if something was missing. As excited as he was to have someone who could truly understand him, he knew it was best to wait a minute before broadcasting it to the world. What he would come to learn was that it was easier said than done.

"So Slugger,  what else happened in Starling?" Henry asked as the family of three sat down to enjoy a nice steak dinner. Luna sat by Barry's feet, anticipating a drop of food.

"Nothing much. Felicity and Ray showed me a couple places to write about, then the rest of the time I stayed at the house and watched TV" Barry fibbed. He found himself needing to bite the inside of his lip to keep from revealing anything about Caitlin.

"Are you sure that's all?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Henry, what are you suggesting? Nora asked, playfully nudging her husband's shoulder. However, the doctor did not answer.

"Yup. Nothing else happened. It was a very mellow trip. I'm actually still so exhausted from all the travel. Excuse me" Barry replied as he cleared his plate and stood up to retreat to his room. Luna followed closely beside him, for she could tell that there was something different about him in the way he carried himself.

"What was that about, Henry?" Nora asked.

"Nothing, sweetheart. It's just, Barry seems a bit different, don't you think? He seems... happier" Henry observed.

"And I'm sure he will open up when he's ready. He always does, eventually. Let him enjoy himself for now" Nora responded, gently stroking her husband's arm.


Throughout the remainder of the summer, Barry spent most days working on his writing or waiting by the computer for an email from Caitlin. It had gotten to the point where they had developed something of a communication routine, so he knew when to anticipate a call or message. At the same time, it proved more challenging to hide their relationship from their parents as phone calls were intercepted and emails were left on open.

It was under circumstances like this that Barry and Caitlin saw their parents true colours come to the surface.

"I knew there was a reason for the sudden spring in your step. You can't hide anything from your old man, Slugger. As long as she's a good one, I'm here for you" Henry said.

"I'm happy that you've found someone who motivates you and you to be the best version of yourself. But I just want you to be careful, sweetie. Relationships- especially long distance, take a lot of work" Nora added.

"I will. I've got a good feeling about Caitlin" Barry responded, looking between both his parents; the smile never fading from his face.

Elsewhere, Carla Tannhauser paced the perimeter of her daughter's bedroom, lecturing her about the dangers of a relationship under these circumstances.

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