Chapter Five

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Spring of junior year...

Barry and Caitlin were going strong as their senior year of high school drew closer and closer. They defied her mother's expectations by proving their faithfulness to each other. They spoke on the phone every day when both of them were free or they communicated via email when something novel worthy was weighing on them. It was the two of them against the world. Even when a commitment as deep as this proved to be difficult, both teenagers remained true to one another; not even batting an eye at anyone else in their immediate surroundings.

Caitlin was just about to close her locker door for English class when the sound of a familiar male voice startled her.

"Hey, Caitlin" he'd said cooly.

Standing in front of her was the school's wide receiver, Ronnie Raymond; whom she had biology class with. Much like Ray, Ronnie was passionate about sports but had an aptitude for science. While Caitlin thought him to be good-looking, she wasn't one to join the sea of girls that fawned over him after every game. She simply couldn't imagine anyone understanding her the way Barry did.

"Hey, Ronnie" she replied with a nod.

"So, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me study for our biology quiz this weekend. We could meet at Big Belly Burger, I'll buy" Ronnie suggested. He figured that this was only the first step to asking her to the junior prom.

Caitlin had seen more than enough romantic comedies to know where this was going. Plus, he was a straight A student. There was no way he needed tutoring. Her eyes shifted from left to right as she contemplated the best way to let the football player down easily.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm spending the weekend with my cousin in Central City" the brunette replied, half fibbing as she thought about her plans to see Barry.

"Oh, that's cool. Maybe another time then?" Ronnie offered.

Thankfully the bell rang just as Caitlin thought to respond once more. He vanished at the blink of an eye as the student body made their way to their respective classes.


As prom night slowly crept upon them, Caitlin found herself being dragged by Felicity to nearly every dress shop in the city. The young blonde was intent on accomplishing two things: Finding the perfect dress and convincing a rather reluctant Caitlin to attend.

"What do you think of this one?" Felicity asked as she stepped out of the dressing room and struck a few poses in front of Caitlin; feeling confident in the fifth dress she had tried on- an A-line V-neck floor length, royal blue chiffon dress with lace beading sequins and a split front.

"I love it" Caitlin answered, nearly breathless before returning to her book. During Barry's last visit to Starling City, he gave her a list of his favourite books.

He had highlighted the ones that he thought she would enjoy the most. Among those listed was The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. According to Barry, this novel was like a cup of coffee at Jitters. The perfect blend of the two of them. A mystery that leaves you wanting to look out for the main character, even if from afar. The fact that the protagonist was a twelve year old boy on the autism spectrum would eventually peak Caitlin's curiosity in the medical field.

"Great because it's going to be yours" Felicity announced decisively.

"What?!" Caitlin exclaimed, slamming her book as she was startled by her friend's announcement.

"This is a pivotal experience in our adolescent lives. Even if I'm going with Ray, it won't be as much fun without you. Please" Felicity pleaded, extending her bottom lip to create a puppy dog pout.

Caitlin rolled her eyes and threw her head back with an exhausted sigh. For nearly a month, she and Felicity had been having the same discussion at least once a week. At this point, it had become somewhat of a choreographed dance; wherein Felicity insisted on taking the lead.

"I've told you no a hundred times. Dances in general just aren't my thing. Besides, my mom has been hounding me to make a decision about my top three universities. She still insists that SCU be my main priority" Caitlin replied, biting on her lower lip as she thought of the secret that haunted her family (mostly her mother) for years. It was a story she dared not even tell Felicity or Barry because her mother demanded she didn't.

"Just try it on and see how you feel. Humor me, alright?" Felicity said as she reentered the dressing room, changing out of the dress so that Caitlin could try.

"Alright, but I'm just trying it on" Caitlin chuckled, knowing well enough how persistent her friend could be.

"Trust me, it's totally you" Felicity said, emerging from the fitting room in her yoga pants and Beatles t-shirt, handing the dress off to Caitlin.

"There's another reason why you want me to go to prom, isn't there? It's obviously not a once in a lifetime opportunity since senior prom exists" Caitlin said, exercising that sharp wit she was widely known for.

"No, of course not. Why would you ask that? I mean it's not like I've got some hidden agenda because that would mean keeping something from you. Have I ever kept anything from you?" Felicity babbled nervously as she could hear Caitlin's footsteps coming toward her. The brunette was only seconds away from unlocking the door.

"Now that makes me think you're hiding something. But I'm more concerned about the practicality of making a purchase like this. A fancy dress worth a hundred dollars just for one night; which never goes well in the movies" Caitlin said matter of factly as she emerged from the changing room.

"There's no time to be smart about this. How do you feel in that dress?" Felicity asked.

Caitlin thought long and hard about the answer. This was the kind of dress that one would wear to the Oscars or the Grammys. The dress deserved to be worn by someone as confident as Angelina Jolie or Demi Moore; not an awkward teenage girl whose mother's life was altered by a dress like that.

"Like it's not for me" Caitlin answered finally as she stepped back into the changing room. "Not this year".

"Fine" Felicity sighed in surrender. "But I'm dragging you there next year if I have to".

Upon dropping Caitlin off at home later that night, Felicity stayed in the driveway a little longer to make an important call.

"She still won't go. What now?" she asked in a frantic whisper.

"Don't worry. I've got a plan" Barry answered.

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