Chapter Three: A Talk Amongst Friends

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, that honor goes to Ms. JK Rowling.

   "So, your mom still won't talk about your dad?", Candace asked Lily as she sat down next to her boyfriend, Oliver.

  " No!" Lily exclaimed as she paced back and forth across Candace's living room floor. "It's maddening. And here I thought since I am eighteen and a graduate, that maybe she would tell me why it is that I'm not allowed to know my father. But no, she keeps telling me that she's 'trying to protect me'. "

   "Well Lils, maybe it's just too painful for your mom to rehash. I mean she moved to another continent to get away from him nineteen years ago, she must have had a pretty good reason to leave and not want to tell you. You're her only child and she wants the best for you." Oliver told her as he wrapped an arm around Candace.

   "I get that. I do, I just want to know what happened. What could have been so bad for her to hide me away from my father? Don't you think he has a right to know about me?"

    "I'm a firm believer in equal rights for both parents, seeing as how both of my parents are divorced, so I can see where Lily is coming from. How do you think you and I would feel if we were in Lily's predicament?", Candace asked her boyfriend and then turned back to Lily before he could respond to her. "Maybe you should take the time this summer and go find out for yourself."

   "You know what, I just might do that, but I know a trip like this costs a lot of money. Maybe I can talk to my grandparents on sending me to London for the summer. Kind of like a backpacking around Europe trip before I start the Healing Program. But instead of backpacking, I am really just going to find my father." Lily said as she took that thought into deep consideration. There would be no way her grandparents would fund her the money if she told them the real reason why she was going. But could she really lie to her grandparents?

   As if Oliver was reading her mind he said, "Why don't you just tell them the truth instead of lying? I'm sure they will be more than happy to help you." Oliver Carmichael was never one for lying. Liars were his biggest pet peeve and he knew his best friend's grandparents would do anything for their only grandchild.

    Lily sighed, knowing full well her best friend had a point. "You're right Oliver. Lying to them could come to backfire on me, but maybe I could ask them not to tell mom about what I'm doing."

     "Then what are you still doing here? Go home, talk to your grandparents, and start planning your journey!", Candace told her as she stood up to give her best friend a hug.

      "I'll give you a lift, Lily. I have to be making my way home anyhow or my parents will wring my neck.", Oliver offered as he noticed the time. He might recently be a graduate of Ilvermony but he still lived with his parents for the time being.

     "Thank you, Oliver. What would I do without the two of you?" She asked them as she gave both of her friends a hug.

    "Let's hope you never have to find out." Oliver told her with a chuckle as he and Candace walked Lily to the door.

   "Let me know the plan and I'm sure Oliver and I can make arrangements to take you to the airport. I know you're not very fond of apparition." Candace told her as Lily and Oliver stepped out the door.

     "You both don't have to do that. I'm sure the two of you would much rather like to stay home and snog." Lily joked.

    "Well as much as we both love doing that, we love you more." Oliver told her,  Candace nodding her head in agreement before giving her boyfriend a quick peck on the lips and watched as he and Lily got in his car and took off into the night.

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