Chapter Twenty-Three: Four Years Later

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      Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter :)

                     Dear Diary,

          Well tonight's the night! I'm officially graduating from Lady Gwen's School of Healers in London! I can't believe this day has finally come. It's hard to believe it's not only been four years since I started the Healing Program, but it's also been a little over four years since Mom and Dad got engaged. After their engagement, Mom sold her bookstore and started a new branch in Diagon Alley called 'Harmony's Corner' next to Olivander's. Now here they are, happily married after three years and with two extra Potters, James Matthew and Coleton Alexander, who recently turned two last month on the Fifth of May..

           James and Coleton were both born with dad's emerald green eyes while James inherited mom's bushy brown hair, like mine, and Coleton inherited dad's raven black hair. I've missed those two trouble makers, so luckily mom and dad are bringing them to the ceremony tonight. As for me and Seth, we've been dating now for a little over four years now and we've been engaged for one. He graduated from the Auror Academy last year, with top marks and he asked me at his graduation party, which was held at Ron and Luna's, if I would become Mrs. Seth Weasley. We decided to set the date for next March, that way I could graduate from the Healing program and take the time to plan our dream wedding.

           Raelie and Raelinn will head into their sixth year at Hogwarts this September(Raelie is in Ravenclaw and Raelinn a Hufflepuff) and both became prefects for their respective houses last year. Candace and Oliver got married about a year and a half ago and are currently expecting a little girl named Alexandra Teagan Carmichael, who's due to arrive next month.

         As for Molly and Ginevra Weasley, life without them has been wonderful. After dad broke off the engagement to Ginny, she ended up moving back home with her parents, while Amelia finished her last year at Hogwarts. 

        I keep in contact with Amelia weekly and from what she has told me, her and Draco have become closer than ever, seeing as how she moved in with him and Scorpius after she graduated three years ago. She and Scorpius have also formed a loving brother-sister bond. Draco took Ginny to court to gain sole custody of their son, Keaton. 

           The judge didn't grant Draco sole custody on the count of not finding Ginny an unfit mother, however he granted them joint custody and told them that Keaton would reside with his father while his mother could have him every other weekend, summer and holiday. Arthur remained married to Molly, although everyone in her family as pretty much disowned her after all the trouble she has caused my parents.

           Oh blimey! I've been so caught up in my writing I forgot that I must be at the ceremony in ten minutes! Thank Merlin for apparation! Good-bye for now!

                Yours Truly,

                  Lily Jane Potter

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