Meeting The Weasleys

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            Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any way, shape or form :)

       "Seth, are you okay? You seem a bit pale." Lily said as she looked over him. He had been standing there staring at her for five minutes without speaking a word to her. His face was flushed, and his eyes were glazed over. She didn't understand why saying Harry's name would cause him to act strange. Then again, Harry was a famous wizard after all.

      "Um, yeah I'm fine. You just took me by surprise that's all." Seth told her as he rubbed the nape of his neck. He was utterly confused. 'Uncle Harry has a child? By whom? Maybe Mum and Dad can help.' Seth thought to himself before he spoke, "Actually I know who you are referring to. I might be able to help you out."

       "What do you mean by that? Do you know him?" Lily asked him eagerly, her eyes desperately searching his.

    "Yeah I do. He is my Dad's best friend, so I was thinking maybe he can help you if you are up to coming over for dinner tonight? Not as a date mind you, but to ask my dad for help?" Seth explained hoping she wouldn't take his invitation the wrong way.

    "That's brilliant! Thank you so much! When do we leave?"

      "My shift ends at six so after I finish we can leave, that way it gives you some time to settle in and relax. I know you must have had a long flight." Seth told her with a warm smile.

     "Yeah, sitting on a six-and-a-half-hour flight with a man sitting next to you who did nothing but snore and laugh quite loudly at the movies got really irritating. A nap is definitely something I could use now." Lily told him as she rubbed her eyes.

     "Alright then, I'll leave you to it. I'll come get you when I'm ready to head out." Seth told her as he waved good-bye and began to walk out the door.

    "Seth, wait." Lily said as she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in to a hug. "Thank you for doing this for me. You don't have to do this you know." She told him as she lifted her head from his chest and looked him in his deep blue eyes.

   "I know, but I want to." Seth told her as he stared at the twinkle in her emerald green eyes. 'She sure does have Harry's eyes. They are quite beautiful.' Both the young eighteen-year-olds continued to stare at each other for what seemed like eternity. But Seth, not wanting anything to happen that Lily didn't want, gently pulled away from her.

   "Well I will let you catch up on your sleep. I'll come get you when I am finished with work. Have a nice kip Lily." He walked away without another word and left Lily standing in the doorway pondering in her thoughts. She wondered if something would have happened between the two of them if Seth hadn't pulled away.

    'Snap out of it Lils. You came here to find your father, not to look for romance with a bloke, a handsome bloke at that.' She shook the thoughts from her head as she made her way to the bed and laid down. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep dreaming about a blue eyed young man.

      A few hours later, Seth and a well-rested Lily were walking into Diagon Alley. Lily took in her surroundings and was intrigued with what she saw. On her right was Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour which was a small shop that had seating inside and out, Along with a colorful display of numerous ice cream. 

      Next was Flourish and Blotts (the bookshop reminded her of the one her mom owned back home) which was filled to the top with thousands upon thousands of books and Eeylops Owl Emporium, a relatively small, dark shop where a Tawny, Barn, and Snow owl sat in their cages outside of the shop. Lily looked at the Snow Owl and thought how much she resembled Hedwig from her mom's stories. On her left sat Madame Malkin's Robe's for All Occasions, Amanuensis Quills, and an Apothecary.

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