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Babies, I can't believe were like 140 chapters in! 

Taehyung groaned as he woke up and glanced at his watch. He'd let Yn sleep far too long. It was coming up to early evening and he brushed her hair off her face, and upon realising how sweaty she was, sat up fast and put his hand across her head.
"Shit." He muttered to himself realising she had a temperature.
"No wonder she's been crying all day, she must feel awful." He muttered to himself as he stood up and crawled out the bed slowly, leaving Yn sleeping where she was, wondering why she hadn't said she felt poorly during the day. 

As Taehyung dashed out the room he bumped into Jin.
"Aish, where the fire?" He joked then stopped laughing when he saw how serious Tae's face was. Tae explained briefly what was wrong as he marched off to find the calpol. 

Jin walked in with a worried face to find his beautiful little Yn stirring in her sleep. 
"Sweetheart? Angel? It's papa Jin, are you okay?" He asked sweetly kneeling on the floor by the bed to be level with her as she rolled over and cracked open her eyes. She gave her head a little shake as tears welled up in her eyes. 
"Oh angel don't cry." His voice soothing as he gently ran his fingers through her sweaty head, removing her hair from her face. 
"Papa Jin? I don't feel well, i'm so hot and my tummy is starting to really hurt." She whined and gasped the last word out as a cramp took her breath away. Jin quickly put two and two together with his paternal instincts and lifted up the blankets to find a small patch where she'd started her period in her sleep.
"Oh sweetheart, okay don't worry, papa Jin will sort it. Come here angel." he said holding his arms out and lifted her to carry her to the bathroom crashing into Namjoon. Jin quickly explained what was wrong while Yn sobbed into Jin's shoulder. With a nod Namjoon walked into the bedroom and started stripping Yn's bed sheets without a second thought.

A moment later Taehyung came back with a worried Jungkook and Namjoon explained where Yn was.
"Why, as this point, is no one keeping track of her periods on a calendar? It always catches us off guard and that can't be nice for her.." his authorative voice sounding out through the room, making them all feel guilty that no one had tracked it to help their precious little out. She had a fever from being out in the rain the night before and her period had come at the same time. Now she really felt bad.

Jungkook walked into the bathroom shaking the bottle of calpol as Jin helped wash her.
"Open up princess." Jungkook said gently as he crouched by the bath, turning the bottle upside down to pull calpol into the syringe, as Yn groggily opened her mouth. Too tired and feeling too poorly to argue. She was bathed, changed and sorted as Jungkook carried her out of the bathroom and downstairs, where he sat her across his lap, kissing her head as she watched my little pony on the tv. Namjoon finished tidying and sorting her room, Taehyung downloaded an app to keep track of her periods from now on and Jin cleaned the bathroom. 

A while later they all started emerging from their work to see if she was okay to find Jungkook's phone in her hand as she tapped away on it. 

Papa grumpee

What are you doing Jungkook?

grumpee its me



What are you doing with a phone? Especially after last night? I think we've established that's not a good idea...x

I just mist you 

Okay thank you. Is papa with you? x

yes he is sat wiv me

Okay, that means you can't do anything dangerous on the phone. Are you okay Kitten? x

no im porlee grumpee

Oh dear, what's the matter? x

i dont no i'm hot and im bleeding

Huh...OH I SEE. Oh that's sad to hear kitten. Can you pass the phone back to papa a moment? x


What's wrong with Yn?

She's got a bit of a fever from being so cold in the rain last night and her period started.

That's so shit. Poor kitten. Has she had calpol? And heat patches?

Calpol yes, heat patches no, not yet. 

Okay. Face time me, i've got something that will cheer her up.

Jungkook pressed the face time button and gave the phone back to Yn who had been sat on his lap patiently, wincing and crying every now and then as she felt cramps as Yoongi's face appeared on the screen.
"Papa Grumpy!"
"Hey Kitten. Are you okay? I have something to show you." His voice deep and lazy as the phone moved and came to stand still as it rested showing the keys of a piano and papa grumpy's hands. 
"I composed this for you okay? So listen carefully and tell me what you think." 

There was a creak as he sat on the stool and a pretty piece of music started playing over the phone and as it came to a stop Yn started to cry. Yoongi picked up the phone and flipped the camera round so it faced him.
"Why are you crying? It was meant to cheer you up."
"Grumpy. I-it's so pretty but it m-makes me miss you" Yn sobbed and he chuckled as Jungkook took the phone and explained he was going to carry her around the garden for a bit  to cool her down and chill her out. 

Hi bubba's
So the high majority of you wanted a new story rather than a spin off chapter.
That's okay :)
So here's a few different ideas.

Makeup Artist & Stylist - you go everywhere together and he eventually finds out and demands to be given a chance as your lover and caregiver.

Assassination School - hand selected students for their various skills with various weapons. You're paired together for training but when he finds you're incredibly quiet he delves in to find out more and does nothing but look after you and love you once he finds out. 

School - your friends and his group always hang out but the closer you get as friends he gets dangerously close to finding out you're little and when he does, he's nothing but a doting caregiver and the perfect boyfriend in and out of school. 

If you have any other ideas you want me to consider, let me know. I won't be publishing it just yet as I write a fair few chapters ahead. I'm nearly done with Yoongi's little. So when that's finished i'll start the new one. ^

Peach x

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