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Yoongi kept a hold of Yn as the others were shot into the air until eventually it was her turn.
"Put me down! Put me down!" She squeaked happily as she wriggled from his grip to the edge of the platform to jump down. She waved at all the other papa's on the bank who'd had their turn before hopping cutely like a baby bunny onto the air pillow.

"Ready?!" The staff called and Yn beamed as she shouted back a loud yes, and a second later there was a loud 'bwomph' sound followed by a scream as Yn was thrown high into the air, all limbs flailing trying to keep her balance as she landed with a splash. All seven boys were full of grins as she emerged with a big smile.

"Again!?" She shouted as she swam to the jetty and Jungkook pulled her out with a shake of his head.
"Not now little bubba. We've got to move onto the obstacle course." He smiled as he took her helmet off and kissed the top of her head as she started talking animatedly to the other papa's about how it felt like she left her tummy behind when she was shot into the air as they moved on to the next game.

As the rules of the game were explained Yn decided to sit out with papa sunshine who was feeling a bit sick.
"He's poorly. He needs me!" Yn said with a big yawn and Jimin squeezed her cheeks.
"Are you sure it's not because you're getting tired?" He teased as she took papa sunshines hand to go get changed into dry clothes as she vehemently denied Jimin's accusations about being tired.

As time ticked on the games eventually finished and the boys instantly all asked the staff the same question. Where was Yn?

There was mild panic as no one really seemed to know. Only that she'd gone off with Hoseok quite some time ago. They all quickly got dressed and started a hunt for Hoseok and Yn. She was eventually found by Taehyung.

She was laid across the back seat of an SUV wrapped in blankets with Hoseok, fast asleep.
"Found her!" Tae shouted back to the others as he tapped gently on the window to wake the pair from their nap. They both sleepily sat up and opened the door to get out and film the remainder of the Vlive.

"That was good fun today right princess?" Jungkook asked as he stood with Yn by the water watching the sun set as everyone and the staff packed up. Yn agreed it was fun but she was tired.
"Being in a Vlive properly for a whole episode is hard work isn't it papa? My legs ache..." She muttered as she rubbed her eyes and Jungkook laughed.
"It's all the swimming sweetheart. You'll be okay after a good sleep. Shall we get ready to go home?"

Yn gave a nod as Taehyung came over and placed a beanie over her head.
"It's getting chilly now the sun's going to sleep, and you've got wet hair." He smiled as she was placed on the floor taking Jungkook's hand in her right and Tae's in her left, and they walked back to the car swinging their arms singing Gee by Girls Generation loudly, one of Yn's favourites.

By the time they'd made it just over half way home Yn was fast asleep, leaning against Jungkook. Jimin looked back from the front passengers seat and smiled at the sight.
"Have you spoken to her about doing that interview with Elsie yet?" Jungkook looked at his peaceful little princess then at Jimin and shook his head.
"I don't know. I guess its entirely up to Yn, but I haven't mentioned it since. Part of me doesn't want to."
"Why?" Jin asked butting into their conversation from his space next to Yn.
"Just because, i'm worried. What if too much time around big Elsie makes Yn question it herself? What if she decided to do what Elsie's done and just leave her little space behind?" His voice full of worry as he looked at Yn again, brushing her hair gently behind her ears as she slept.

The car was silent for a moment and Jimin spoke as he turned around and faced the front again, pulling out his phone.
"I don't think we have to worry about that for a very long time. Yn has to many inner demons and relies on her little space too much to suddenly leave it behind." He mumbled and the car fell silent. 

"Of course, but what happens when she starts fighting these inner demons? What then? " He muttered under his breath as his mind was plagued with thoughts of the uncertain future as he glanced out the window at the street lights rushing past.

I wanna do a book of fluffy one shots.
Gimme requests, anything goes as long as it's fluffy. 
One papa and Yn.
Two papa's and Yn.
Anything. Let's go wild. 

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