Chapter 1

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"Move!" I roar at the younger kids in my way. They scurry off almost immediately and I smirk to myself. People know that it's not a good idea to get in my way.

Nobody gets in my way.

Stopping by my locker, I grab what I need and slam it shut.

"Yo, Lane!"

Fuck me.

I sigh. Here we go again, I think to myself.

The voice belongs to no other than my dick of a head quote unquote "best friend", Dylan. He's been trying to get with me all summer. Jokes on him, I'm gay as fuck. But nobody knows that. Except me. And Kyle.

Throughout the whole summer I managed to avoid Dylan. Until now of course.

I plaster on a fake smile. "Well look who it is," I chuckle. "I thought you were skiving your first day."

"And miss my chance seeing the most sexiest girl in the college?" Dylan chuckles and throws his arm over my shoulder and leans into my personal bubble which I do not appreciate. I glare at his hand. "How's it going anyway?" He whispers huskily. Well, attempts to anyway.

You would describe Dylan as a bit of a fuck boy. To both girls and boys. Being bisexual doesn't make him a dick and I totally one hundred percent support him with that. But leaving them once he's had his way with them makes him an asshole.

I pull my arm forward and elbow his stomach. As he doubles over I take the chance to grab his wrist and twist it behind his back as I push him up against the lockers. He shrieks with surprise. 

"Now," I hiss, "what have I said about touching me?"

Dylan visibly swallows. "To not touch you...?"

"Exactly." I whisper before pushing him away. Dylan stumbles a step or two before he regains his footing. "Now fuck off, will you? I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit today."

"I'll be back!" He calls out shakily. I ignore him.

Dylan has a good eight inch advantage to my height but it means nothing. He's as afraid of me as everybody else is. At least he acts like it.

I love being the bad girl.

Who wouldn't?

My phone vibrates while I'm sat in the library. I reach out and grab it from the desk, smiling at the screen. It's from Kyle. My actual best friend who is also gay. Like me.

KYLE - where u at boo?

LANE - library. Somebody's late today.

KYLE - it is what it is. be there in a sec babes

I grin, and place my phone back on the table. I absolutely love Kyle. He's been there for me ever since I could remember. We met in the last few years of high school and we instantly clicked. Ever since we've been stuck together like glue.

We bonded over the love for one of our favourite shows - Orange Is The New Black. Which is a sick show by the way. You should definitely go watch it.

Something lands on my shoulders and I shriek. Spinning around I glare at my attacker and see Kyle curled up on the floor in a fit of laughter.

"Ugh!" I kick him hard in the shin. "You're such a dick."

He giggles as he calms himself, taking the seat next to me. "You love me really."

I punch his arm as hard as I can.

"Ow! LANE!" Now it's his turn to glare back, with a knowing grin plastered all over his face.

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