Chapter 2

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"Have you see the new girl yet?!?" Kyle's whisper seems to echo throughout the cafeteria and everyone's heads snap to look at us, apart from the new girl's. I know this because I hadn't seen her at all and it would definitely be hard to miss a girl that beautiful. 

"Yeah, what about her?" I mumble, taking a cautious look around.

"I thought you might know her, considering she sat in your seat today." Kyle collapses onto the table opposite me and continues to talk with a defeated murmur. "Guess not."

I run a hand through my hair frustratingly. "Why does it matter?" I snap.

Kyle sits up with his hands held out defensively. "Hey babes?" I look up slowly. "I'm sorry."

My forehead hits the table, much like Kyle's did and I groan. "Don't be." My voice is muffled against the cool metal. I look up again and drop my shoulders. "She just seems familiar somehow but I have no idea why."

Kyle looks to his right then left then straight back into my eyes and leans forward so there's nothing but inches between the two of us and asks, "Well, why don't you go talk to her?"

I scoff and shake my head, avoiding the intense look that his electric eyes are sending me. "I can't do that."

"Lane," Kyle starts but I cut him off.

I glare at Kyle. "I can't do that. Nor am I going to." He opens his mouth to retort but immediately closes it again when I narrow my eyes.

I don't need any of this bullshit right now. It's my final year of college and I'm not about to fuck it up with some 'new' girl.

We only have a few months left then I can get out of here. I can leave this shithole and start anew.

And who knows? Maybe I can start being nice again.

Not like that got me anywhere in the first place.

"Earth to Lane?" Kyle snaps his fingers in front of my face.

Luckily I'm saved by the bell that indicates we have ten minutes until first lesson starts. I mumble a quick bye to Kyle before storming off.

Before I knew it I was in the library. I had a free in my first period today so I have nothing to do but wait.

For the next twenty minutes I scroll absentmindedly through my phone while listening to Against The Current on repeat. Full blast of course.

Who wouldn't?

Then the new girl came to my mind again. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

TALK TO HER my subconscious screams. I really want to.

But I can't.

It would ruin my reputation. As long as I avoid her I'll be fine.

Her brown ombré wavy hair, her beautiful light green eyes that sparkle like an emerald, her fucking ear piercings, which are really hot by the way.

She is hot. And I'm absolutely obsessed with her.

I decide to spend my last period in the library, like I did for my first. I've got nothing better to do and plus, I like to be alone.

There's almost nobody around, it's quiet - obviously - and I'm surrounded by books. It's perfect.

That is, until the new girl shows up, blocking my light.

I scoff. "Move."

She doesn't. I notice her arms crossed against her chest, her eyes sending me daggers.

I quickly avert my gaze when I find myself staring. "Move." I snap again. "You're blocking my light." She still doesn't move.

I'm getting pissed off now. If she doesn't move in the next ten seconds, I'll - I'll -

My thoughts are cut off as she opens her mouth.

"What is your friend's problem?"

Christ. Even her voice is perfect. Not as high as I thought it would be but not as low as mine.

"What do you mean what is my - " I pause. It takes me a second to realise she isn't talking about me.

She scoffs. "You know, the tall one? Brown hair, eyes? Really fucking cocky and uptight about his ego?" She hisses the last part in annoyance.

I turn my body to look at her and stare at her dumbly. "Who are you talking about?"

She bites her hand and takes a deep breath. "What's his name, Darren?"

I narrow my eyes in an attempt to keep myself admiring her. "Do you mean Dylan?" Shaking my head and laughing, I stare dead straight into her eyes. "He's not my friend. Now can you fuck off and leave me in peace?"

I don't wait for an answer and plug my earphones back into my ears, turning my attention back to the work in front of me.

I look behind me a minute later and groan. She's still here! I just growl, pick up my things and move to another table.

And of course, new girl follows me. She sits down opposite me with a smirk plastered all over her stupid pretty face.

"Ugh!" I whisper-yell. I pull an earphone out. "What do you want?"

The girl reaches out her hand to presumably pull the other one out but I glare and recoil away as I do it myself. She drops her hand and I swear she frowns but it's gone before I can blink.

"So," she starts. I sigh silently. "Dylan?" I just nod. "He mentioned you while he tried to hit me up."

I snicker into my sleeve. "That sounds like Dylan all right," I mumble, but from the look she sent me I guess she heard it. "Carry on."

"He said you can show me around the school?"

I scoff for the hundredth time. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you owe me." She says, leaning forwards on the table.

"For what?!"

My fists clench as I wait for her reply. "For shouting at me for sitting in your seat."

I jump up and glare down at her, slapping my hand to the table, making her jump. "Newsflash kid, I don't own anyone anything."

She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. I watch her for a minute, waiting for some sort of reply. When I turn to leave she finally says something.

"Never mind then. You're not as nice as Dylan portrayed you to be."

I glance at her. "Don't believe a word that comes out of that boy's mouth. He's nothing but trouble."

"How do you know?" She asks.

I grip my bag strap tightly. How do I answer that? "I just do," I reply after a few seconds. "I've known him a long time."

"Ah, so you know what he's like?"

I shrug as I turn to her. "You could say that, yeah."

"Great! So maybe now you could - "

I held up my hand to stop her from talking. I scowl and her face drops, her smile now forming into a straight line.

"I'm not doing anything for you new girl," I hiss.

I ignore the reply that comes when I walk off, already mentally preparing myself for another night alone.

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