Chapter 7

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I haven't actually gone to sleep.

Well, OK, that's a lie. I did try. But I couldn't sleep because I'm thinking about my parents. That always ends well.

I've been angry at them for so long that I forgot to realise just how lonely and depressed I've been ever since that day.

We used to do everything together. Me and my mum cooked, sang ridiculously silly songs together and had mini road trips with each other. My dad and I used to workout whenever he was home from work which was very rare as his hours were all over the place for being a Nurse.

In the evenings we would just relax in the sitting room enjoying each other's company. Mum and Dad would have a glass of wine in their hands while watching TV from the sofa while I would've been either on my phone or laptop doing whatever I felt like doing.

I don't admit this much but I do miss them.

A lot.


I look over my shoulder to see the door creaking open. It's Neo.

"Are you okay?"

Reaching up to pull the duvet closer to my face I realise my cheeks are wet and immediately I snap my head away from Neo and wipe at my eyes furiously. I didn't even realise I was crying.

I never cry.

Not normally anyway.

"What do you want?"

Neo pushes the door open fully with her hand, but she waits just outside the room. "Can I come in?"

"Do you have to?"

"I mean..." Neo clears her throat. "I will have to eventually to get the air mattress so I can sleep in the living room." As she speaks I realise the air mattress is right in my eye-line beside the bed. I glare at it before huffing loudly. "You never answered my other question," she continues, raising an eyebrow.

Are you okay? my brain reminds me. No I am not okay.

"I'm fine." I tell her. "Now hurry up and get that stupid mattress."

I sniff and clamp my hand around my nose.

I didn't mean to do that.

I hear her walk in and I look up as she crouches down beside the bed. "I don't believe you." OH I wonder fucking why.

Stupid nose.

"I don't care."

"I know." She sits back on her legs. "Did you want to talk about it?"

Yes. "No."

Neo tilts her head. "Did you want to talk about anything else?"

"Why would I?" I snap, immediately wincing at how harsh I sound.

"To distract you?" Neo sighs in defeat, getting up. She grabs the flat air mattress and hauls it over her shoulder. I gape at how strong she is - that thing weighs a ton and I would know.

She gets closer to the door. And closer. And closer still.

It's now or never.

"Neo?" I call weakly.

She hears me and pauses just in front of the door. Neo turns slightly and gives me a soft look. She raises her eyebrow as she waits for a reply.

"I could use that distraction..." I shuffle up into a seating position against the headboard. "But don't - " I point my finger at her " - make a big deal out of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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