Chapter 4: Winds of Change

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A/N: Hi guys, thanks again for the comments and votes, you are awesome! This is a bit shorter chapter, things are a little cooler but not for long...

Enjoy and have a great weekend! xxx


February 2017

The LA winter evening was unseasonably warm as Bradley made his way to Sam's house in Calabasas; they were two months from the start of filming and the older man had decided the entire cast and main crew should have regular dinners throughout the making of the movie, starting now. Bradley had readily agreed, not only for the upkeeping of high spirits amongst the team but also for Stefani, who out of them was the only one with very little movie experience, and he wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible through the entire process. Sam greeted him with a hug and a non-alcoholic beer, and he hugged the other cast members already present, frowning when he didn't see the familiar blonde despite having spotted her car outside of the beautiful house.

Anthony leaned closer to him, winked with a little smile, appearing slightly tipsy. "She's dancing."

"What?" Bradley frowned, glancing at him. "Who?"

"Stef." Anthony took a sip of his beer. "On the backyard. Go if you want to see something special."

He wasn't quite sure if the younger man was high on something other than beer but stood nevertheless, making his way into the kitchen and to the open back doors; suddenly the sound of a familiar laughter filled his ears, making him smile, then freeze on the spot as his eyes took in the scene in front of him.

Stefani was indeed dancing, or perhaps the correct word would have been flowing; she was barefoot, dressed in denim shorts and a cropped top, her toned, slender midriff on display as she performed the most incredible, complicated dance moves he had seen her do on the videos of her gigs he had watched, most recently on the halftime show of the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago that she had completely aced. Seeing the real thing, this close, was out of this world, however and Bradley stared, transfixed, totally and utterly in awe. There was no music on, and he didn't see headphones on her either, so her perfect rhythm was somehow completely self-created. Bobby and Sarah were watching her, and he slowly managed to get moving, made his way to them, eyes still firmly on the dancing blonde.

"Hey guys."

"Brad, hey." Sarah gave him a hug, followed by Bobby; over the course of the past ten months, he had met almost all the members of her team, or the Haus of Gaga as she called them, was very fond of them all. They were extremely trustworthy and hardworking, did everything they possibly could for Stefani and somehow that had been extended to him too, someone always asking if there was anything at all they could do for him when they were around.

"What's going on?"
Bobby chuckled. "Someone decided she had way too much energy to sit down for a nice relaxed evening, hence this little show."

"Oh." He still couldn't turn his eyes from her, didn't even notice the other two exchanging knowing looks; Stefani tossed herself onto the ground, did a couple of perfect rolls and shot up again with the grace of a cat, launching into another complicated pattern without missing a beat.


"She's good, huh?" Sarah grinned at him. "Seen her do this before?"

"No." He glanced behind him to see some more people had arrived, were watching Stefani with expressions of complete awe; it wasn't lost on him that they were lucky enough to be getting a free Lady Gaga show even though she wasn't singing.

"Is all that good for her hip?"

"She's okay; the new treatment helped at least for now." Bobby patted his arm. "But maybe you should go get her so we can get started on food. Don't know about everyone else but I'm starving."

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