Chapter 19: Touch Me, Heal Me

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A/N: Everyone okay after the cliffhanger?:) I hope it was a little shocking but not too much. Someone has to be the bad guy in this story and unfortunately that honor fell to Christian. I'm sure he's perfectly nice in real life... maybe...


Bradley stared in total, utter horror as Stefani met the floor, falling down hard in a flash of green fabric onto her side, laying completely still; then his eyes registered the river of blood running down her face from a nasty-looking gash on her temple. Natali screamed, rushed to her sister and he reached them with a couple of steps, dropping to his knees onto the floor.

"Stef?" He touched her shoulder; she was so still, so pale. "Jesus Christ. Stef?!"

"Don't move her. Somebody call an ambulance!" Mike kneeled next to him, placed his fingers on the blonde's neck, checked her breathing and somewhere in his very hazed mind Bradley remembered the younger man worked in the medical industry, could only be grateful for that now.

Natali was in complete panic, rocking herself back and forth. "Mike? Is she...?"

"She's unconscious; she hit her head on the corner of that table and it lacerated her scalp. Give me a blanket; we need to keep her warm."

Natali's trembling hands grasped a blanket from the couch, handed it over and Mike spread it over Stefani, asking for a towel and pressing it against her temple; the white cotton started to turn red terrifyingly quickly. Bradley took her hand; it felt so small in his and he didn't know what to do, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, his head swimming with shock and terror.

"I don't want to move her much in case she has injured her neck so hopefully the paramedics will get here soon." Mike looked up at Christian, shook his head. "You goddamn idiot. Happy now?"

Bradley glanced at her fiancé; he looked terrible, pale and trembling, moving closer to her. "Stefani? God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Stay the fuck away from her," Bradley snarled, not recognizing his own voice; it was so angry, making even Natali startle. "You will never, ever come anywhere near her again, do you hear me?"

Someone grabbed a tight hold of his arm, held him back just on time before he managed to get to his feet, his only action plan to beat the living daylights out of Christian; it was Rob, the pilot looking pale but determined, shaking his head at him.

"That won't help her at all right now."

He closed his eyes, breathing hard, then nodded reluctantly; sirens sounded from the Strip, coming closer and Bradley looked at Mike, tried very hard to control his panic over the very bloody towel against Stefani's temple. The bleeding didn't seem to be slowing down much, if at all.

"Is she... is she going to be okay?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine; head wounds can bleed terribly so it probably looks a lot worse than it is. It doesn't seem to be very deep." Mike gave him a reassuring nod. "It's likely she has a concussion, hopefully no fractures or neck injury."

Someone opened the door to the paramedics, a man and a woman; Mike explained what had happened, gave them her status in medical terms and the woman kneeled next to her, eyes widening slightly as she clearly recognized her, then she was back to full professionalism again.

"What's her name? Her real name?"

"Ste... Stefani." Natali was shaking hard, clearly starting to go into a serious shock and Mike stood, pulled her to her feet and set her onto the couch. Bradley reluctantly let go of the blonde's hand to give the paramedics room to work, wrapped his arms around his chest, trembling.

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