Chapter 8: Revelations

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A/N: Alrighty, so as previously mentioned, the rating for this story will be mature from now on. This is the first M-rated chapter, and I will point out those that have adult content as we go along. Some lyrics from Always Remember Us This Way in this one again.

Thank you so much for reading and enjoy!


Stefani didn't feel very lucky, in fact she was somewhat pissed off, angry at the stiffness and the lingering pain she still felt over her whole body, angry at the miserable grey weather, angry at Christian for not being there, angry at Bradley for having shown up, confusing her even more... She knew that the last two counts especially were completely dumb; Christian had previously arranged work commitments in New York that he couldn't get out of and was calling her about once an hour to make sure she was all right and as for Bradley...

She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact he had dropped everything and flown half across the world to see her when he had to be busy with editing the movie and other business, not to even mention Irina and the baby... it scared her, the implications of it really scared her, her own feelings were terrifying and the overwhelming sensation of peace, love and safety that had moved through her on the previous evening when she had opened her eyes and seen him by her bedside was just so huge she couldn't even begin to make sense of it.

She had managed to get on her feet finally, was walking around the room slowly, a little wary of each step as though she was afraid her legs would any moment give up on her. The doctor had been by to see her in the morning, bringing with him two adorable red-headed teenagers who had been beside themselves to meet her; they had understood perfectly when she had politely pleaded out of posing for any photographs in her current state but she had given hugs and autographs and immediately promised to send them tickets to her next UK concert, whenever that would end up being. She had been given stern orders to rest for at least a few weeks without any exercise so the nerves in her hip could properly recover; the doctor had prescribed her a course of anti-inflammatory painkillers and reminded her that no matter how famous and successful she was, without her health she would have nothing. That simple comment had really struck a chord in her.

There was a quick knock on the door and Bradley peeked in, giving her a big smile. "Hey, you're up. How are you feeling?"

"Fine," she said shortly, still feeling annoyed at absolutely everything. "You're still here?"

He frowned slightly, of course immediately reading her state of mind. "Well, I didn't think it would make much sense to fly here and back in one day; the jet lag probably would have been the end of me."

"Right." She sighed inwardly at her own stupidity, turned and sat on the bed, moodily staring at the opposite wall. He sat next to her, immediately wrapping her in his warmth and presence even when he wasn't touching her.

"What's up, beautiful?" His voice was light. "Something wrong? Are you still in pain?"

Stefani scoffed. "Don't try to sweet talk to me, Cooper; I'm not in the mood."

"Well, you're in some sort of a mood." He very gently bumped her with his shoulder. "Come on, Stef, sharing is caring."

His carefree tone pushed her over the edge. "I didn't ask you to come here, all right? Do you not understand how it makes me feel, having you here and then watching you go back to your girlfriend and your baby? Do you actually think this situation is easy for me?"

"What situation are you referring to?" He watched her with narrowed eyes. "Your health or... whatever it is that's going on between us?"

"There's nothing going on between us." She crossed her arms, tried to sound determined; some sort of a bitterness was flowing out of her now at full force, some sort of a self-protective instinct trying to drive him away from her, as though him not being there would help with her confused feelings.

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