ℵ ℵ- Wait Around All Night -ℵ ℵ

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I don't want to have to wait around all night
For answers

Stare at the unchanging pool of the sky
And listen to the few cars go by

I wish it was in the sun
That the answers were delivered

Because the world is vibrant
It's awake
It's alive

The dawn cracks an eggshell open into a new day
Each day spreading new joy

But I'm stuck in darkness

I can't go outside
I have no light to bear
No map to wade through the darkness
Animals and strange sounds
Scare me enough to hide away
No one else around to help
No one's around to help

Isn't too far fetched
It may be deep in the night
But it's the first point
Where everyone has fallen asleep
And the wait begins

Still small numbers
The arduous wait hasn't begun fully

High rise noon
When the black of the window
Feels like a void

And the void is getting closer
And I could just jump inside

Still waiting
5 hours of sounds ringing in my ears
And a petty solitude

Eyes heavy
Head spinning
An out of body experience

I'm so tired
I can't even grasp time
And now I have to wait even longer
Until I can sleep again

The wait never ends

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