ℵ ℵ- It's From Connect Or Die -ℵ ℵ

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I like being cold
It keeps me warm

It keeps the stress and sweat out
And let's only the fuzzy feelings in

It stops my form overheating
From passing out
From dehydration
The headaches
The migraines
Constant need for more water
And always complaining

There's none of that in the cold
It's July
And it can soar up to 30°C
And everyone thinks it's glorious
To turn yourself golden brown
Go outside at any hour
Have paddling pools
And barbecues
And endless fun outside

And it's true
The extroverted ideology of Summer's purpose is undeniable
But I'd rather be inside
In January
Watching the snow
The time where going on a walk
Chills you to your very bone

And that feeling is wondrous
When the cold sweeps you away
And you finally get life back into you
It's if the feeling of refreshment
Was multiplied by itself

It's complete rejuvenation
And I live nothing more than for that

I'm nostalgic
For the aura of winter months
I can't just turn down the temperature
To encapsulate the entire vibe of winter
I have to wait

And when the snow comes
I will be up every hour

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